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Selina P.O.V:

we were at rehearsal while star sat on the tablet reading the article about her  

we were at rehearsal while star sat on the tablet reading the article about her  

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jahil was late and when he finally showed up he was acting funny towards star 

"where have you been" simone asks him 

"yeah my bad i should've called i had a meeting with some investors" he says 

"who pablo escobar" star says swiping at her nose 

"so where we at" he asks ignoring star 

"were just working on the choreography" alex says 

"impress me" he says

we start dancing and singing 

"no no no no no not working" jahil says making us stop

"what do you mean it was on point" star says 

"they were on point your not lets try it again with alex as the lead vocal and dance" he says 

"what" star says confused

"can you do it" he asks 

"i mean yeah i wrote it so" alex says before jahil cut her off

"ok well lets do it again then alex up front" jahil says 

"this is a joke right you're joking" star says 

"you know what the joke is you and your antics putting our atlanta neatest slot in jeopardy that's what the joke is" jahil says 

"you're serious" alex says 

"you don't think they monitor all that tmz garbage trust me they do and this one right here with her sleazy behavior you think that's what they want to promote it ain't the image the perception they're trying  to put out there is that their contestants are decent, caring, human beings, all right? that's why we're doing this charity event they're not looking for some fame hungry monster who's banging the local quarterback" jahil says 

"jahil i don't what wrong with you but don't ever say nothing like that to my sister i don't care if you give somebody else the lead but watch ya fucking mouth or you know what i'll do"i say to jahil's bitch ass

" and that's why your doing this cause of hunter" star says 

"did you hear what i said" he yells at her 

"jahil back the fuck up seriously don't raise ya fucking voice at my sister" i say pushing him out of my sisters face

"but i'm right though" star says 

"alex take lead" he says 

i hug star and glare at jahil it's not like i didn't want alex to have a chance at lead because i want her to jahil didn't have to be so disrespectful to my sister 

STAR-Noah brooks x ocWhere stories live. Discover now