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Selina P.O.V:

(minus the fanny pack and sunglasses and rings)

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(minus the fanny pack and sunglasses and rings)

we were at rehearsal practicing

dancing to our song suga that alex wrote 

we take a break and star and jahil go at it again 

we go home 

"wasn't expecting yall home for another hour" carlotta says 

"where's eva" jahil questions 

"she left a little while ago why" carlotta says 

"long story" he says 

"Well dinner's on the stove simone eat then i'm gonna take you to your recovery meeting" she says 

"ok" simone says 

"stop acting like an alley cat star" carlotta says 

"i don't even know what i did where you going" she says 

"to talk derek out of using his public defender" alex says 

"i thought you conned your mother into getting him a real lawyer" i say 

"yeah well miss ruby had other ideas" alex says 

me and simone eat as alex and star leave 

it was the next day and star was trying to convince eva to join the group because jahil told atlanta next fest that we are a 5 girl group so we can't perform without eva 

jahil got us in with pumpkin we go in to record the new song alex wrote and eva takes over the part star had

we're at rehearsal dancing when ava keeps bumping into star on purpose she bumps into star again and i grab the bitch and we start fighting 

we're at rehearsal dancing when ava keeps bumping into star on purpose she bumps into star again and i grab the bitch and we start fighting 

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(obviously selina is yellow and eva is getting dragged)

"hey hey hey that's enough" jahil says as simone and alex separate me and eva

"bitch you bump my sister again i'm going to fuck you up" i say to her 

alex starts laughing 

"why are you laughing alex" simone says 

"ive never been in a fight before" she says laughing

then we all start to laugh

then jahil tries to give us a speech 

its time for us to perform and evas outfit came undone star fixes it and we get ready to perform 

glamour gets off the stage after their performance and one of them throws a drink on star and star tries to go after them 

then we get on stage and perform 

after we get done performing they start giving us we made it to the top 5 and we're moving on to the final round 

after me and simone are heading looking for alex when we come around the corner to see jahil and eva kissing we stay hidden listening to them

"you hiring that guy making them believe that we needed to be a fivesome that was brilliant" eva says 

they laugh and me and simone leave  

me and simone go home and we hear star come in so we go downstairs 

"yo yo star where have you been jahil and eva" simone says frantically 

"they've been playing us this whole time you were right " i say 

"what are yall talking about" star says confused 

"you know this whole fivesome thing and having eva shady ass added to the group" i say 

"yes i recall" star says 

"yeah well it's all a lie we heard them bragging about it" simone says 

"wow i hate being right all the time so that guy who came to rehearsal wasn't even from NextFest he was just bogus this is low even for jahil" star says 

then we come up with a plan for revenge 

STAR-Noah brooks x ocWhere stories live. Discover now