Chapter 4: Okay, so let's stalk the stalker!

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"What are you doing on the floor, you imbecile, get up!" Harry said looking at me and flashing his eyelashes incredulously as I was crawling on the carpet.

"Hey there Harry! I was not doing anything," I hedged looking back at him and pretending that it had nothing to do with finding a hidden camera somewhere. 

"Okay," he said not looking really convinced as I jumped up on my feet and tossed myself in my bedroom. I tugged myself in a blanket stitched with fleece warm enough to cool down the fire of confusion in my head. I blamed myself for letting Kash in. That was when I realised why villains should look good? So that they can easily allure their enemies by their dashing looks and flawless accent. Villains have that silken voice and that hair flip...oh my my! Anyone would fall for them. But anyway to the point, I mean, it could be possible that it wasn't Kash, what if it was Dave? 

Dave was also really a lithe, tall athlete playing basketball and he had good looks too enough to charm almost anyone at school. I mean what if he was the handsome villain? 

Okay! I said to myself as I grabbed a few sticky notes, colorful markers and a pen. I needed to sketch out all the clues to know about who it could be? I puckered my eyebrows in frustration as there was a fraught silence in the room as I anxiously began to scrutinize everything. I wrote down that when Kash had come inside my house, he had said something on the phone: "She's convinced" and how did he come to know my address? I thought to myself...

Even though his dad was a businessman, what's that to do with my address. Won't a stalker only know my address? And before Kash had come to my house, I'd also seen a boy in front of my house with a yellowish thing in his hand and it could be Dave because I'd seen him at the sick bay the other day holding a yellowish diary. So Dave could also be the stalker...And the stalker's note had come from my notebook which Kash had used so he could have slipped it in or even it could be Dave as he had collected all the notebooks. There was a litany of scattered thoughts in my head trying to weave all the string together of this disarray of cobwebs of thoughts. 

Wait a second...

It could also be Miss Wilson too because she had taken the notebook...I mean, why not? It could be her...She could be that perfect villain disguised as a teacher stalking students like me? She could be that lovely, supple woman with those cat eyes stalking me and being an English teacher, she could speak long phrases of prolixity and articulate, flowery words to scare off her enemies. I mean why not? Okay, I was taking this too far. Then, I drew a sketch of hers on a piece of paper. Red lipstick, check! Long legs, check! A notorious smile! Yes...Everything was perfect. She was the new found villain of the story, my arch nemesis, my stalker...But, the evidence is too weak for saying that she was the stalker. 

It won't be can't be her. An innocent English teacher just stressing and panicking to read a workload of people's messy handwritings to get her living for the day. No, I could not do that to her. So, then I'd decided to take the matter in my own hands. I was going to stalk all my three dear suspects: Kash, Dave and Miss Wilson. I was going to allot days for everyone and also create a timetable to effectively cope up with my schoolwork. I'd decided to finish studying everything I needed to do today itself so that the next three days would be something like an off day for me. I stashed all of my sticky notes away and brought all my textbooks ready to finish them off because I had to be the topper, whether there was a stalker or no. 


It was the next day as I woke up as my lifeless eyes turned sore because of studying all night. Trigonometry was done and I think that I had mastered every sum of it. I was also done with Physics but it was quite a strenuous chapter- Thermodynamics. I knew all the laws now by heart and I had also done a little English too. English was something I think that nobody really needs to study for because grammar rules weren't helpful at all and it was more of common sense and reading a story or a Shakespeare play wasn't something hard for me. Shakespeare was like my favorite. I loved reading his books like The Merchant of Venice, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Romeo & Juliet...Everything. So, well the waves of stress about my studies also was temporarily repressed until the next chapter would begin at class. 

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