Chapter 14- PARANORMAL..

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Is this a dream? I thought to myself. 

I could see my hands bloody red like some kind of coral shaded nail paint smeared all over my hands. My eyes opened and yes, my hands were all red. It was dripping with blood like a vampire's hands fresh off the kill. Wait, there was a knife kept on my blanket? So, whose blood was that? I shook my head trying to get out of this moment. I could see that I was in my bedroom and the clock held its hands showing the time- 2:10 a.m. 

I decided to wash my hands as I applied all the soap to get that gooey, dried maroon flakes of blood off my skin. My hands were finally clean from all that horrifying sight on my hands. As I looked at my hands, I couldn't help noticing that there were no scratches on my skin. No signs of injuries or possible scratches...My hands were clean like those moisturized hands of a Vogue model I had seen the other day. Okay, perhaps I overestimated myself here...Ahem. Okay, back to the point, that blood wasn't mine. It was someone else's but my mind struck with a thought that what was a knife dripping with blood doing on my blanket? 

I held my chin up as I slapped myself childishly trying to wake myself up from this madness. I decided to call Kash and tell him about this mayhem which is abolishing peace in my mind. The only thing that made me tolerate my life was Kash Myers... I dialed his number waiting for his answer on the phone. Wait, when did I return back from the hospital? What's happening? Suddenly, Kash's voice resonated on the phone as he whimpered a hello. His baritone voice was toned with a sheath of melancholia which I could clearly hear. His voice seemed to be shaky quivering as if he was crying. Was he okay?

"Are you alright?" I asked. 

"No," he said trying not to burst with tears. His fragile, little voice was enough for me to visualize his face. Those pretty, sparkling eyes were now anointed with damp tears. The glow of his face must be diaphanous with silence. It was indubitable that he was in some trouble or something. His voice spoke with such an alarm that could make anyone go in a panic. 

"Tell me, what's going on?" I asked. Day 

"My father's been killed," he cried. 

"What? When?" I asked in a shock that shook me till my very bones. 

"I return-returned back home really , really late at night to-today and when I entered the house, I saw him in the kitchen lying there," he said stuttering in a lock of words tongue-tied.

"What about your mom?" I asked. 

"She is coming back home in a few minutes. She was out for work and once she heard this, she's..." 

"I'm so sorry, Kash," I said. 

"Wait, till I find that stupid killer," he said determined. 

"How are you so sure that he's been killed?" I asked. 

"There's blood all over the floor and someone has tampered with everything and broke all the stuff kept in our rooms," he said. 

"Why don't you check the cameras?" I asked racking my brain to find answers. 

"The cameras are all broken but I don't know how could it be possible. Our security system is one of the safest ones in the world. My dad had got the whole system designed by the top engineers and workers," he said tearing up. 

"Kash, please don't cry...I'm coming to your place," I said. 

"It's late in the night, come tomorrow...But where were you in the hospital? A nurse told me that you left on your own and even Miss Wilson had no idea," he said. 

"I don't know. I found myself in my bedroom and my hands were covered in..."

"In what?" he asked. 

"In nothing," I said pondering about the blood and the knife. 

"My mom's here right now and do come tomorrow. I really need to see you and don't forget to take some rest...Love you," he said hanging up on the phone. 

I stared at the phone looking at my reflection looking like an organza fabric woven in the screen of the phone. Why are these horrible things happening?

1. Kash's Dad was found killed in the kitchen. 

2. There was blood on my hands and a knife on my blanket. 

3. I don't even know how did I land up from the hospital to here.

Does this have something to do with the ghost behind me? Is it showing its signs now? Is this paranormal activity? Is this happening to me because of my SECOND SHADOW? It was pretty odd to find out a knife with blood lying in my room and simultaneously, I hear about Kash's dad. This sounded really suspicious. I looked around as I felt something behind me. 

Thud! A vase fell on the floor. My eyes rapidly turned around. 

"Mom! Dad! Harry!" I shouted remembering that my parents and Harry were in the house. 

The door was ajar and then suddenly, the door slammed closed on its own and the curtains flashed as it blew away from the window like a threatening display of lightning exploding. My eyes narrowed towards the corner and I could see two shadows on the ground in the moonlight piercing its way through the window. The lock banged and now I was captured in my room. The two shadows stood out together but there was no superposition of both of the thin films of blackness. I could see that one of the shadows were stretched out like an elastic sheet and there it was, my follower- my own shadow and the other one seemed to be levitating creeping out like a stalker. I looked up at the ceiling and turned around. No one was there. Bang! The books kept on the closet rolled down. 

I ran to the door as the shadow levitated towards me and then somebody looked into my eyes- oh, those horrid eyes. Averting my face, I grabbed the knob of the door as I yelped, "Help!!!"

Someone grabbed my legs as I held onto the knob and I screamed with my voice turned sore into a shrill wail that sounded like a failed attempt of a whistle note. AAAHHHH!

"You creep! LEAVE ME ALONE," I cried as that "someone" wouldn't leave my legs. 

It clutched onto my legs with those ginormous claws that percolated into my bones and I could feel my tendons tearing apart. It was a ghastly picture wearing a rag and those eyes are something extremely inexplicable. 

"Who are you?" I shouted. 

"Your second shadow," it hissed with a gravelly voice that cracked with a decibel as if a megaphone was inserted in its vocal cords. Its voice boomed like a bass drop that reverberated like a heavy heartbeat and I could feel it pounding through my skin like an earthquake within my blood.

"What do you want, you stupid freak!" I shouted regretting why did I even look at its hideous face. Its face was something amoeboid and its lips were thick covering a quarter of its face. I could see its eyes shaped as perfect circles ogling at my legs like a weirdo. The pupils were raging with red and its breath was unpleasantly mephitic. It vehemently clasped my legs and threw me against a wall leaving my head collapsed like a meteor falling on some bare, arid land. I could see nothing but just darkness and cluelessness was my only friend staying by my side and having a friend like that is pretty useless. I have a skill which is to befriend loneliness, danger and risks. Love that about me, right? 

Well, now the horror show has finally begun...I guess. Or maybe this was nothing at all and the horror has not even started yet. I hope that it doesn't become worse after this...

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