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"Okay, now let me go back to the basics of this beautiful topic called Exponents which I suppose that you all have learnt enough about it to do all the elementary sums you all should know. Exponents is about the power of the number and helps us write huge numbers in a more abbreviated form. So, open page 22 of your exercise books and let us explore this topic. Well, I hope you all have your stationery and accoutrements," Mr. Brown said smiling as he took his marker and slid it over the whiteboard.

Kash and I sat on the invisible bench at the back taking out our notebooks and then we flipped it to page 22.

"I think that we should not go to the staffroom to see Miss Wilson. I don't think that she is innocent. She's a fiendish monster, for sure. It's a trap, the ones that are ought not to be risked with," Kash said fumbling with a strand of my hair.

"Okay, fine. We won't go to the staffroom but stop playing with my hair," I hissed .

"But I love you," Kash said whining.

"Okay, but Mr. Brown would not love us for this if we aren't paying attention in class," I said as I warily tried to hide myself behind one of the tall guy's head sitting in the front.

Kash then scooted his chair towards me and I could feel his shoulder press against mine. He kissed me on my cheek in class and my body froze in a sense of fear. What if everyone sees this? Won't it be humiliating and also rather inappropriate for this to happen in a math class? Yeah, apparently it is. 

And obviously, as you'll expect it, everyone were staring at us as everyone's eyeballs seemed to have dilated to such an extent that it felt like everyone were being poked or something. Dave looked at Kash in a very blood-thirsty manner as if he wanted to knock him down really awfully and straightaway punch him in the nose. I could also see Kace and Kaizen sharing weirdly unknown whispers with each other in a disposition suggesting fury and wonder at the same time. The torpor in the class that was blowing over us like a fan had suddenly gotten switched off as everyone relished some free time of gossip and juicy questions as the whole room seemed to have been burning with this animosity.

 Mr. Brown seemed baffled and didn't say a word to my shock and I thought that I would have to hear an earful of remarks but instead Mr. Brown just sat and told us to finish off the Intext Exercise-3 in our books as he garnered a few notebooks and began to correct them as if nothing had happened. The whole classroom seemed to have been divided into two parts. The side of the teacher's table seemed to have been the mundane, staid place where the myriads of markers scribbled onto the whiteboard had abolished the whiteness of the board. There, it was, the boring corner of the room which seemed untouched with any banter and laughter whereas the other side of the room consisting of the students where we all sit was dazzling up with this new zesty topic to talk about. I could already hear people murmuring a new hashtag- #Kazy which seemed way too rapidly made and now that were the only words slipping off everybody's tongues. The bullet train express news of our kiss in the math class seemed to have scurried everywhere even reaching the dust lying in the dingy corners of the room with some life. It was like a depressing ballad had turned into a bubblegum pop song in just a fraction of a second. 

"Kash, why did you do that now?" I asked fuming as I didn't want more prying eyes in my life let alone that ghost/stalker. 

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself," he said as he apologized but it wasn't enough. How could I live being the hot topic of the school with a stalker behind me? Perfect! This is just brilliantly going in the fashion I want my life to be. I could see everyone's eyeballs popping out watching me everywhere. This is not what I want. 

The bell rang and the lunch break commenced. 

Everyone were gasping at me as I walked ahead leaving trails of whispers leaving my steps behind. Nevertheless, Kash and I went towards the door to meet Dave standing furrowing his eyebrows at us. 

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