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I was at home, still twirling around in delight from yesterday's special event, just combing my hair in some different kind of way( in a good way, of course). What? Don't judge me...I was just preparing myself for the first day that Kash and I would spend as an official couple. Yes, I bought all the lipsticks, mascara, eyeshadow, eyeliner and all that fashionista stuff from the dollar store that all those celebrities smear and smother upon their face to look "IRRESISTIBLE".  I sat up straight in front of the blurry mirror as I burned my eyesight watching all those cumbersome YouTube makeup tutorials. As time passed fixating my eyes at the tiny mobile screen, my temper kept rising whenever I had messed up my makeup. No wonder it took me like 4 hours to just put on some makeup.

 I mean, look at my skills! Usually, I am not irascible but I had to get frantic. It was because this was KASH and not a random guy! I could feel it because I was looking like a drop-dead gorgeous diva in the getup. My dress was simple and chic with a laced sequin lining my collarbone as I paired it with some cool denim jeans. Mwah! Perfect. I had never ever got this much ready, like ever. This made me really flabbergasted as I could see my potential to become a model. The lovely ones with those supple and jaw-dropping looks. Oh yes! I can picture it all in my eyes. In the future, it will be Kash and I, the buzzing talk of the town, walking down on the runway together as the power couple. People would be dying to watch our fashion show as we dazzle down charismatically earning millions everyday just killing it in every photoshoot. Oh yes, I could see my face and his pasted on every magazine. Ah! How stupendous would that be? 

I stood there fangirling on myself until Harry, (in case you forgot about him- that's my impudent, immature older brother), entered the room and then screamed like a ravenous, old hag at a treble that could awaken the other hemisphere of the world from their reverie in their sleep. 

"Harry! Shut up, Mom would scold us for creating a ruckus this early in the morning. Just let me live in peace, man," I pleaded wearing my brand new stilettos.

"Who are you?" he said as his eyebrows pointed upwards as he hissed trying to show a Kung Fu move. 

"Ivy, your sister," I retorted standing there puzzled. 

"Why are you looking so pretty?" he asked as he scrutinized my face carefully as confusion was smothered all over him like a face cream. 

"What do you mean by that?" I screeched as a nerve of fury rang in my bones. I always look pretty, right? But then in a flick, I could feel something odd as he stared at me. That same rush of adrenaline whenever I felt that the stalker was after me. When he looked away, I could feel that feeling escalate away from me like in a blow of a whistle. That queer feeling had just snapped away. Wait, what just happened?

"I mean, what's the event? A first date? With whom? Yourself?" he said sniggering at me like a hooligan/bully/villain. I kept my calm and just passed emulating a model in my stilettos. I could feel that grace, that uniqueness as I walked ahead downstairs. Grabbing my bag, I stormed off slamming the door with a thud that rattled the eaves of the roof. Harry was standing outside as he raised his eyebrow and then said, "Come, the bus is gonna come."

"Yeah, you take the bus. Today, I'm going on my own," I said smirking. 

"What? A carriage for princesses is taking you today or what?" he sneered scornfully with his eyes narrowing at me suspiciously. 

"Blimey! The attitude," I said realizing that I had got addicted to saying British words ever since I had started talking to Kash.

"The guy's British?" Harry said as he brushed off his hair sideways and walked away on his own in a black jacket looking like an optical illusion in the gray sky backdrop. 

I stood there watching him disappear like a thin film dissolving in a glass of water just going away and away until he became an inconspicuous figurine who was almost invisible. Why did he care about why was I dressing up? Why did he have so much disdain and so much eagerness to look in my love life? Jealousy? Or just sibling problems? Whatever- I thought as I rolled my eyes until a motorbike rushed and swerved into the alley on a speed that i could not even reckon. The wheels hurried along and oh my God! It was Kash. He had come on a motorbike with that dashing brilliant blue color that could blind my eyes shining like a golden chalice. Kash removed his helmet letting his lovely hair show with that silky texture. His eyes moved up and down and then he said, "Oh my God! Today, you look exceptionally beautiful." He appeared to have been swayed with me. Yes! Mission successful. 

I went towards him as he pecked me on the cheek making my blush go even pinker than before. I sat behind on the motorbike locking my hands around him as it felt like an embrace. He smiled at me wearing his helmet and zoomed ahead as I tailed behind him on the seat. Wow! I never thought that I would be living the K-drama life any sooner. My life felt like everything at once, let me just list it down for you (no problem :-))- 

1. My life felt threatened because of the ghost/stalker after me. 

2. My life felt beautiful because of my new-found love- Kash.

3. My life felt good because of good grades- I kind of manage because I'm versatile. 

4. And a lot more which cannot be jotted down in a list. I mean, it's inexplicable.

 It was like a whole package with everything to offer but I dreaded the threatening part. Although, I felt free with Kash, I felt something bothering me like a bug near your ears that keeps humming and humming and humming until you get horrendously sick of it. I was afraid to go to school because of the Miss Wilson incident but Kash promised me that he would stay with me for the whole time. I know that he's really sweet- no need to mention the obvious facts. But anyway, all that I could feel were butterflies riding along on the bike feeling like a trip down the clouds. I hugged onto him tight knowing that everything would be okay but then I had reached school to see Miss Wilson standing at the school gate. 


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