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Miss Wilson. 

She stood there with a poker face as she pursed her lips and then gave out a big grin that showcased her dimples conspicuously, something I hadn't noticed before. She raised her eyebrows looking at Kash and I sitting together on the motorbike. Kash removed his helmet and then he hopped down as he dashed towards Miss Wilson standing in a black, velvety dress as her hair was tied up with a scarlet ribbon and her cat eyes were outlined with jet-black eyeliner. I stood there dumbly as he went towards her and he said, "Hey Miss Wilson, where had you disappeared that day? You know, the day when you were gamboling around with a pocket-knife?" 

She stood there licking her lips as if she had consumed a huge sumptuous feast and then, she whispered in a puzzled demeanor, "What're you talking about?"

"Blimey!" Kash exclaimed, "you don't remember?"

"No, Kash. I believe that I'm not the one you're talking about. How about you go right now because I reckon your girlfriend's waiting for you," she said as she put her teeth together and her eyes revolved all around with a straight face. 

"No, I know that you know what I'm talking about," he said shrieking in agony as his face seemed to have been splashed with colors of fiery flames. 

"No, I don't know," she said as she put her hands up and untied her hair unleashing them down like a fall of snowflakes as they curled round and round like a ballerina. It was so mesmerizing to watch her hair as if I was witnessing poetry in motion. I sat there watching those two model-like people talk.

"Bye Kash, see you in class, I suppose," she said as she averted her face and walked a few steps ahead until Kash went in front of her and stood there firmly and he said, "Why were you trying to kill Ivy?" 

She stood there as her eyes widened and her sealed lips let out a little chuckle again giving show to her dimples so significantly.

"Mr. Myers, what blatant lies you're bickering about? Why would I try to kill Ivy?" she said with a cheerful face standing there laughing at him. 

"Miss Wilson, DO NOT LAUGH AT ME! I'M SERIOUS," he said as he pounded his hand against the wall vigorously. 

I stood there and I decided to go and talk to her myself. I walked ahead with my stilettos as I quivered and said, "Miss Wilson, what problem do you have with me, huh? You know how hard it is for a teenage student to go through this stupidness? I have grades to deal with, chores to complete, classes to attend, an irksome brother to annoy back and now I have to deal with you, too? There's no point of violently doing things when we have mouths to speak with. You say something, I'll say something back and let's just finish this over a cup of tea, but actually I'd prefer a cup of coffee," I fumed as Miss Wilson and Kash stood there dumb-founded. 

"Fine. You know what? I'm just your English teacher..."

"Yeah, I know who wants to kill me," I retorted. 

"No, dear. I'm your English teacher who's trying to protect you from the real villain," she said as she exhaled in a tiresome sort of way. 

"Come after school to the staffroom," she summoned as she walked away rolling her eyes. 

"What do you mean by that, Miss Wilson?" Kash cried but his voice must have dissipated by the time she walked away down into the depths of the labyrinth of the classrooms. I looked at Kash as he held my hands and then kissed me. His kiss felt like the first fall of snow in the peak of spring liberating me from the distasteful, staid, unpleasant, wintery life of mine. It felt like tincture to all my stresses because all the negative things in my life would fly away from me when he was next to me. I'd never felt something for someone like this before. Everyone before were just eye-catchers but had never caught my heart. Everyone before were good liars but with dismaying truths. But he, he was just spectacularly different. I could keep writing essays about him because he was the perfect person to describe. How exhilarating it is to just look at him- trust me. Yeah, I ain't messing around, it's just one glance at him, ka-boom! You'll never be the same. 

Anyways, back to the point. He kissed me and then said, "I'll go with you to the staffroom after school." 

"Wait, what about your dad? Won't he say anything if you reach home really late?" I asked. 

"Wait, Ivy. Are you serious? That lunatic teacher is trying to kill you and you're thinking about what my dad's gonna say if I reach home late? No, like for real," he said exasperatedly. 

"I'm just asking you. I don't want you to be in trouble due to my weird issues because your dad's really strict," I said. 

"Look, you matter to me a lot, it's better to get grounded for a day or two if I'm gonna have you with me," he said with his face flushing in worry.

I stood there numb with no expression. I mean, the conversation had begun to sound like two star-crossed lovers talking!!! My life's becoming a K-drama with some peculiar killer who claims to be protecting me. If she was actually protecting me, why did she point that ragged-toothed knife into my back? Some killer. I thought to myself until Kash held my hand and we slipped into our classroom to just get an infuriated face from my Math teacher, Mr. Brown. 

"May we come in sir?" Kash said as we stood there holding hands at the door with every beady eye in that room examining us. 

"Why are you late?" he demanded as all the faces in the rooms pulsated with laughter being stifled in such a way that it sounded like a flat note. 

"We were in the washroom," he said instantly. 

"Holding hands in the restroom?" Mr. Brown questioned as everyone began to laugh so hoarsely and I could clearly see that the "gossip" button in everyone's head had got switched on. 

"No, I mean I was in the washroom and well, she..." Kash stuttered.

"Just go sit," Mr. Brown said as he said in a voice that it sounded like sulky petulance except that he was probably really tired of all this high school hodgepodge going on. 

"Wait, Kash. You're dating Ivy?" Dave whispered as Kash walked ahead to his seat. 

"Yeah, so?" Kash said. 

"Nothing," Dave replied as he signaled something to his friends Kace and Kaizen and that seemed pretty suspicious. Kace and Kaizen looked at me and then rolled their eyes at Kash. Wait, what's going on? A new sub-plot in my fully overloaded script-laden K-drama? I mean, what's next? I wouldn't be astonished if there's a zombie apocalypse or a meteor shower with monsters, to be honest now. Anything is possible and nothing is impossible in my real-life K-drama.

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