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I looked at Kash towering over me. I never stood just next to him and he was taller than I had even thought. Kash looked at me and then said, "The prom's next week on Saturday." 

"Next Saturday, huh?" I said. 

"Yeah," he said smiling at me so gently. 

"Well, I heard the theme's Hollywood Night," I said trying to recall about what my friends' gossip at the lunch table. 

"Hollywood, right. I was happy that the theme wasn't Pirates in the Sea like last year. All my friends told me that all the students had come dressed up in belts and torn, ragged clothes. I'm glad that it's Hollywood 'cause I already bought my suit," he said, "have you?"

"I have to buy a gown. Didn't really get the time," I said. 

"Okay...that's fine," he said, "and well, you wanna go somewhere like a café?"

"Sure..." I said looking at him as he looked back at me. Oh boy, it was so hard to look at him when he looks back at you. It felt like my heart was going to spin around like a mirrorball. 

"I know a great café," he said confidently, "just follow me."

Then, he just held my hand and wow, that was driving me crazy. My palm bones were jumping inside and I think that it must have been shuddersome holding my hand. So, we walked for a while and we reached the café. We stepped into the café leaving me mind-blown. The café was a lovely place and the oxygen there was tinted with a scent of cocoa beans. The scent jittered me as I walked ahead following Kash to a table. He pulled the chair out for me and ah! What a gentleman he was and then he took a seat. It was so perfectly ethereal. 

He was sitting there and the lights shone on my face with sparkles, not because of the lights, it was sparkling because of him. Although, the café looked so pretty and vintage with its rosewood tables and the linoleum looking like a diamond-studded floor, the paintings hung up looked like rhodium-plated pieces of art and oh, the air was saturated with this heavenly, delectable fragrance of coffee beans and pastries, I could only see him. Kash Myers. 

"So Ivy, do you like coffee or tea?" Kash asked me inquisitively with his raspy voice.

"Coffee. I'm a caffeine lover. My day starts with coffee and ends with it too. It has that aroma, that perfect bitter-sweet touch and oh, I love it when it's steaming hot," I replied thinking that I just spoke a bit too much about coffee.

"Same here," he said as he did a little cute eye-smile. 

"So Kash, what are your hobbies?" I asked. 

"Music," he said instantly as if he wanted to be asked with this question.

"Ah! That's nice so you can play instruments and sing?" I asked amazed because all I could do was screech in the shower with my coarsely awful voice.

"Yeah, I play the guitar and sing. I also do gigs part-time at some of the restaurants," he said.

"Wow! That's so lovely," I said as my voice spoke in a tone like "I am in love with Kash".

"Can you sing me a song? I want to hear you sing," I said looking in his eyes dreamily staring back at me. 

"Which song do you like? I'll sing it for you," he said as he raised his eyebrows waiting for me to choose a song. 

I smiled at him as I began to think of a song. I was obviously going to choose a romantic song. A song which could capture these feelings I had for him. Something about young love. I decided to choose Love Story by Taylor Swift. 

"Love Story by Taylor Swift," I said.

"Nice choice. I am a swiftie too. Just come closer to me so I don't have to sing too loudly since we are sitting in a café," he said as he put his arms around me and brought me closer to him. His arms felt like a lantana bush swaying around me as he wrapped his arms around me and just being next to him, it made me feel giddy. 

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