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"Miss Wilson, how did you know where were we? Like how did you even know I was there with her at the café that day?" Kash asked with suspicion screaming from his face.

"Well, I had followed you to look after her," Miss Wilson said. 

"Ok, I see," Kash said, "but I still don't trust you a lot right now so don't think of us as a trio or something."

Miss Wilson looked up at him but he didn't look back. He grabbed my hand and took me to another table spanning at least a thousand yards away from Miss Wilson's table.

"What was that?" I questioned. 

"What was what?" Kash asked looking at me.

"Why did you get up from there when she was trying to help me?" I asked looking at his face scattered with distinct proportions of feelings written all over his forehead. 

"Trust me, she's fooling you. She is lying to us. She's the villain," he said as he took my hands in his trying his best to plead me. 

"But Kash, what proof do you have?" I asked him as his face flushed into a sense of defeat. 

"Ivy, that day when I was running behind Miss Wilson, why didn't she stop running? Why didn't she try to explain herself if she was the hero in the scene? Remember Ivy, only criminals run away just like she did. I can't believe that you fell for her lies," he said exasperatedly.

"Right," I said looking at Miss Wilson from across the table until someone came in the middle and blocked my view. Dave stood there in the middle as I looked at him and following him were Kace and Kaizen.

Dave came standing there with a sulky face looking like he had enough profundity to absorb every kind of feeling. His bros- Kace and Kaizen stood there behind like his sidekicks and there under the spotlight stood Dave the drama queen. 

"Here comes one good punch," he said as he rolled across the floor and clenched his fist pointing it towards Kash. Dave shoved Kash down the chair leaving Kash sitting on the floor with blood dripping down his nose. 

"Hey! Why'd you do that?" I screamed standing there witnessing Kash's blood flowing down looking his nose like a blood-curdling vampire and then he put his fangs (I mean- his canines) together and stood up.

Kash defended himself by punching Dave back to just get a black eye. Dave inhaled a gasp of air with his eyes widening like a ballistic bandit as he positioned his fists ready to subdue his opponent. 

"You idiot, why don't you leave Ivy alone? I told you that I liked her first and you cannot reject my binding orders," he said as he maniacally came towards Kash with a very stupid look on his face. 

"Dave!!!" a voice resounded through the room with a decibel and authority Herculean enough to vanquish every sound vibrating inside the room. The silence rose up like a quiet valley and everyone's eyes turned towards the three of us and there I saw Miss Wilson standing there and she said, "Dave, come over here and I want you to go to the principal's office."

Kash stood there almost lifeless with a pang of pain that must have reached every cell of his precious skin. I could see the bruises all swollen and I couldn't help feeling vengeful against Dave. I mean how could he do that to my boy? I held Kash's hand which seemed motionless and Miss Wilson said, "You two, come with me."

We followed her as she took us to the corner of the cafeteria and I maintained my distance with her in case she wanted to kill me with a pocket knife. At this point I wished that I had malingered from school.  I wouldn't have to deal with this drama. 

"Miss Wilson, if you wouldn't mind, can we talk at the sick bay since my Kash, I mean Kash is hurt," I said fumbling with my words.

"Of course," she said smiling. 

Kash seemed to have been fed up and his pain must have been stinging since he was being punched with such a muscular arm. We headed down to the sick bay as we opened the door to see the matron- Mrs. Park there with her voice all hoarse, "Take some ice, dear."
Kash tenaciously held the ice pack as he applied it on his face trying to calm down all that animosity of pain electrifying him in such an awful, excruciating way. I could see the gore dried up on his wounds and his face was galvanized in a sheet of blue. It's just because of that brat, Dave and why the sudden interest in me? I bet it's just for a prank or some kind of bet he might have made to get along with me and take me to the prom but for what? A few dollar notes for a bag of chips or let's say a ticket to the movies? Ugh, what a pathetic guy Dave is...

"Are you okay?" I asked him wanting to cling onto him and pacify him.

"Yeah," he said nodding as he relaxed in the chilling freezer( I mean the room was like a freezer). I was glad that Kash was feeling better and then Miss Wilson spoke to ruin the whole positive vibes flitting around the room.

"Ivy, look. I want to help you. You're in some big trouble, right now. My sister's daughter, she was completely paralyzed and mentally disturbed for a while and then she had disappeared. She had gotten the same letters just like you. There's someone diabolical behind this. There's something evil and don't put yourself in some paranoia about me. I'm not the villain, Kash, got that?" she said with her eyes rolling at Kash. 

"Okay," he said as he put his hands together on his face feeling that minty coldness of his hands on his burning face. 

"You need to note down everything that's happening to you. We need to check the signs and act upon it. Let's go to the public library downtown and check out about this, okay? So, let me help you," Miss Wilson said looking at me reassuringly. 

"Wait, how do I know if your sister's daughter's story isn't made-up? How do I believe you? Give me a reason to let Ivy believe you," he said with a disapproval smothered all over his face. 

"If I was the villain, I would've killed her already," she said laughing even though I didn't find that funny. 

"Great. I really thank you for not killing her because I would've killed you if you did that," he said giving a crooked smile paired with his classic suspicious face. 

"Good one," she said as I looked at Kash being so protective over me. I'm happy that my boyfriend is so caring and doesn't treat me like a girl instead he treats me more like a lady. Ooh la la! I'm lost in love...Okay, maybe that was a bit cringe, right? You can ignore the last few lines if you want to but still.....AAAHHHH! I LOVE KASH SO MUCH. I LOVE HIM SO MUCHHHH...Make sure that my brother doesn't read this because I don't think he'll be pleased with me dating someone when he's single. HAHAHA!!!

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