Season 2 episode 6

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We were cleaning up the mess that Cobra Kai gave our dojo.

'Uh excuse me is this Miyagi-Do?' Chris from Cobra Kai asked.

'Yeah.' Mr LaRusso answered.

'Came back for another beat up?' Robby asked.

'Robby.' Mr LaRusso said.

'This is one of the guys who was beating on Demetri.' Robby explained. 'Probably helped trash the dojo.'

'We didn't have anything to do with that.' Chris said.

'Than why are you here?' I asked them.

'Because I am sorry about what happened at the mall, we just want to learn Miyagi-Do karate.' Chris explained before turning to me. 'And the time when we were at Cobra Kai, you were the only one that was nice to us.'

'We're happy to have you.' Mr. LaRusso said.

'Fulcrum? More like "full of crap." I heard Chris say to Demetri.

'The only thing that's full of crap is you and your little quiver in there.' Demetri said. 'Admit it. You don't really want to join Miyagi-Do. This is all just some scheme.'

'Calling me a liar?' Chris asked him.

'Ding! Ding! Ding!' Demetri said taunting.

'Hey that is enough.' I said to them. 'Get over here. Now!'

They came to stand with me by the pool.

'Demetri, I know you have trust issues about Cobra Kai. You have that issue with Hawk, not Chris or any other Cobra Kai students here. And Chris you can't blame him for this, I mean you did try to beat him up. But what happend in the past, is history. I would like to have peace in the dojo, so shake each others hand. And you really need to cool off.' As I said the last part of the sentence I pushed them both in the pool.

'Really Emilia.' Demetri said.

'Why do you always do that?' Mr. LaRusso said as he saw what happend.

'Because it's fun and I solved a problem so it's a win-win.' I said to him.

Demetri and Chris lifted the heavy stone, they've been trying to get up all day.

'You see with the power of the team work everything is possible.' Mr. LaRusso said.

It was evening and I saw sensei Lawrence on a bench close by the supermarket. He had this sad look in his eyes.

'You okay?' I asked while approaching him.

'Just a tough day.' Sensei Lawrence answered.

'Who died? I know the look.' I said to him.

'A close friend of mine, I used to do karate with him.' Sensei answered.

'Here.' I said while giving him a beer that I bought for my father. 'You look like you need it.'

'Thanks, firecracker.' Sensei replied.

'I'm sorry for your loss.' I said to him.

'Thanks.' Sensei said looking sadly at his beer.

I got home and placed the beer on the counter.

'Why are there five? I wanted six!' My father shouted at me. 'Thought you needed it more?!'

'No.' I replied.

'Well you wished you had taken one after this.' My father said as he grabbed my arm and stormed to the basement.

He opened the freezer and threw me in. I heard him lock the freezer and he turned it on. It began feeling a lot colder. I saw the marks from previously when I was in here trying to get my way out. But it's useless.

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