1. I'm a mess, mess, mess, mess.

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I find out that some people actually read this but to give you guys a heads-up this is badly written and the grammar is bad and confusing because English is not my first language nor I'm fluent in it.

"Can't stand that bitch, she's so fake!" Yeseul whines to Hayun who was busy texting their little minions, prolly ordering them around like usual.

"Naeun?" Hayun scoffs as she finally puts down her phone and diverts her attention to the group of guys hanging out with their only girl friend. "You jealous?"

"Jealous who? Me?" Yeseul dramatically gasped at her cousin, her hand placed on her chest.

"Tch." Yeseul scoffs at the sight of Naeun playing around with her Sungchan.

"It's kinda your fault for rejecting his advance. Shouldn't have let him stay as just a fuck buddy." Hayun sighs as she leans on the rooftop railing.

"Hayun! Yeseul!" One of their minions called them as she rushed towards them with a bunch of paper bags in her hand.

"I get some more for Sungchan and his friends like you asked!" She smiles sheepishly at Yeseul, waiting for her approval.

"Thank you, you can get one for yourself." Yeseul smiles back at her and ordering the girl to follow them as Yeseul and Hayun walked down the stairs.

"Are you dating Sungchan? You know that girl Naeun ? People in my class keep on shipping them so i made sure to lecture them !" Yeseul just nods at the girl's words. Using her as an excuse to look away when Sungchan looks at her way as they walked towards them.

Naeun quickly drops Sungchan hand that she was playing with as she sees Yeseul and Hayun approaching them. She tensed up and hides behind the boys, fiddling with her fingers.

Yeseul signalled the girl to put down the paper bags on the table where a few of the boy's belongings were at. "Hayun's mom is launching a new restaurant branch here and she told us to share these with out friends." Yeseul fakes a soft smile as she takes out a fancy lunch box from the paper bag.

"It's a sample, you guys should try it." She ignores Sungchan's eyes and handed out the bags to the other guys. "Naeun?" Yeseul hands out the lunch box to Naeun but she wasn't even looking at her, she keeps her head low as she fiddles with her fingers.

"I'll take it for her." Eunseok reached out for the box but Yeseul was busy giving Naeun a weirded stare and didn't notice it.

Annoyed, Hayun snatched the box and glared at Naeun. "If she doesn't want it, don't force her. Even if she were to taste test it, she won't be able to afford another one anyway."

"Hayun!" Sungchan came into Naeun's defence.

"Hayun! Maybe our Naeunie is feeling a little bit down today." Yeseul faked another sweet smile as she looks at Sungchan. "I'll leave it here."

"And you, Seolmi?" Yeseul turns towards the girl who was standing behind Hayun. "Thank you for your help, you should take some for your friends."

"Thank you! Bye Hayun! Bye Yeseul!" The girl quickly fleets off with some lunch boxes.

An awkward silence takes over the group and Naeun decided to break the ice.
"I get that you guys are rich but that doesn't give you the right to order people around all you want." And it took everyone by surprise.

Yeseul and Hayun were the fastest to react as they glared at her with a shook face.
"What?" Yeseul asked, genuinely surprised.

"Why are you ordering Seolmi around? She is not your servant." Naeun said from the shadow of the boys.

Yeseul was about to take a step forward but Sungchan quickly intervene and gets in between Yeseul and Naeun.
The rest of the group can feel the tension and no one dared to speak up nor do anything.

Yeseul glared up at the guy and was met with an emotionless one. "That's enough."

"Acting all tough now?" Yeseul scoffs, "we'll see just how tough you are when you won't be able to do what you want to me anymore."

"Don't bring 'that' into here."  Sungchan stiffened up.

"Seul, let's leave." Hayun pulled Yeseul's hand. "They're acting like we're the one who picking the fight."

At the corner was Wonbin quietly standing, his whole attention on Hayun, staring her as if she's an angel sent from Heaven. He wasn't even paying attention to the fight and stares at Hayun, if people were to see his expression they would thought that he was glaring at the girl. But that's wrong, maybe he was staring at her with those infamous 'intense gazes' of his but that doesn't mean that he's staring at her with 'hatred' or 'annoyance' in his mind. It's the exact opposite for him. That's Hayun, the girl that he's been crushing on.

He first met her when he tagged along Sungchan to meet Yeseul. Hayun was there with her cousin, her school shirt neatly tucked into her short skirts, her hair in a ponytail and her eyes glued to her phone.

He thanked his past self for agreeing to tagged along Sungchan for his little hook up with Yeseul.

Wonbin and Hayun were left alone in the dining area of the hotel that they're meeting up in as the other two were busy, probably fucking in one of the V.I.P room booked by Sungchan.

"Sungchan used you as an excuse too?" Hayun breaks the awkward silence.

"Yea, you too?"
"Did Sungchan tells you beforehand? That you'll have to wait for him to done fucking?"

Wonbin chokes on his drink at Hayun's bold words. "Not really, I had no idea."

"I see you're a victim too." Hayun laughs at him. "You wanna go window shopping while we wait?"

"Y-yea." Wonbin cursed at himself mentally for being so awkward, but he quickly pulled himself together and act as if nothing happens, succeeding in playing it cool.

After that, Wonbin and Hayun goes around the city. Eating ice creams and cracking up jokes here and there, most of it being them making fun of Sungchan. Spending almost 3 hours together until Sungchan texted them to go leave without them.

Wonbin arrived home disappointed at himself for not asking for her number. They're friends it won't be weird anyway right?

Wonbin thought that they would end up friends but when he saw her again at school she completely ignored him. Even when he tagged along Sungchan on his little hookup hours, he'd always end up with other friends of Yeseul.

"Looking for Hayun?" Wonbin flinched at the  cold feeling on his cheek. He sighs and takes the chilled canned drink from Yeseul's hand.

"She doesn't wants to go with me anymore." Yeseul pouts at the guy, "sad right?"

"That's not it. Maybe I should stop tagging along too, it's getting boring." Wonbin tried to deny it.

"You're pretty, want me to find you someone?" Yeseul teased him.

"I don't do those things." Wonbin frowns and quickly shakes his head.

"How can you do that?" Yeseul looked up at the guy.

"What do you mean?" She laughs at his sudden question.

"You and Sungchan. Isn't it weird?" Wonbin asked.

"I don't know, I kinda like Sungchan." Yeseul laughs out again.

"He probably does too. He would always drop everything once you called." Wonbin smiles, thinking back at how Sungchan would drop whatever he was busy with to answer Yeseul's texts and calls.

"You think so?"

Wonbin answers with a nod.

"What are you guys talking about?" Sungchan interrupted the two and the rest is Wonbin third wheeling.

Now that he thinks about it, Sungchan and Yeseul used to be so obvious with each other, when did they become so toxic? Is it after Sungchan pushed away Yeseul for Naeun?

At 01:27pm | Jung SungchanWhere stories live. Discover now