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The University of Cambridge room and board was getting a bit pricey, and since I wasn't a United Kingdom citizen, I couldn't apply for financial aid. Luckily, one of my dear friends, Sam Pepper, allowed me to room with him and his roomate Mazzi Maz. 

Rooming with Sam and his friend was awkward at first, but once I settled in, I became really good friends with Maz.... that was my first problem.

The closer I got to Maz, the more I realized I had feelings for him. My heart would beat fast whenever he smiled and laughed. When he looked me in the eyes, I was mesmerized by those beautiful eyes. However, I could sense that Maz only considered me as a friend...

Mazzi Maz and I are best friends. STRICTLY best friends...

Always been that way & seeing as how things are, that will never change. 

I know I should stay away, but something keeps pulling me back...


Sunlight peering in through the window, hitting my face, I finally wake up. I make my way to the kitchen, 'Time to make breakfast,' I open the fridge and see the array of food, 'I think I will make some pancakes, a side of eggs and bacon today!

I pull out all the ingredients, heating the stove. Pancakes were done in a sinch. Scrambled eggs, done.          

All that was needed was bacon. I placed the bacon strips into the pan and the sizzling comensed. Soon enough I heard the opening of a door and the pitter patter of feet hitting the hardwood floor, "I SMELL BACON WOOH!"

I turned around, "Sam, shh I think Maz is still asleep, keep it quiet!" I shushed him and grabbed a plate for Sam to start eating,

"Umm Marilyn make me another pancake please." Sam said with his mouth full.

"Sam Pepper first off,  don't talk with your mouth full. Second, you haven't even finished the two pancakes I put on your plate!" 

Sam practically licked the plate clean, "Now can I have more mum?"

I laughed, "Sure, but don't call me Mum, I might act like your mum but I am your roommate!"

I grabbed the seconds Sam asked for,  and picked up a plate of food for myself and sat myself at the dining room table, "Sam, don't you think Maz is taking long to come eat?" I asked handing the plate of food to him.

"I'm sure he just is tired, Damn kid doesn't get any sleep afterall." Sam said digging into his meal.

"Maybe I should go check on him, I mean his food is getting cold." I got up from my seat, Sam started smirking, "Yeah, just go check on him." 

I walked out of the kitchen and walked to the hallway leading toward Maz's room. I knocked on the door," Maz, eyyy you there?" I got no response. "MAZ I'm coming in!" I opened the door to find a swarm of clothes all over the floor, I walked toward the bed, and saw the sleeping Maz. 'Precious' "Maz come on, breakfast is getting cold, C'mon now!" I shook Maz, trying to wake him up.

"Marilyn is that you? Just give me 5 more minutes and I'll be up," he said sleepily, rubbing his eyes. He tucked himself back into bed, pulling the sheets over his head. 

I left his bedroom, and walked back into the dinning room, Sam was now on his phone, most likely texting back Alfie. I sat next to him and began to eat my meal.

"Hey Marilyn, I just noticed got sluttier Pjs." Sam said smirking, "I wonder why."

I turned a pink shade, "Piss off Sam, they are just Pjs nothing more nothing less."

"Just like you're relationship with Maz." Sam said smirking. 

"You're such an asshole! Watch I'm not making you breakfast anymore." I huffed.

Maz walked into the room, still sleepy and sat himself next to Sam, he leaned over and hugged Sam resting his head on Sam's shoulder. I got up from my seat and fixed a plate of food for Maz. 

"Here you go Maz, " I said handing him the plate of breakfast,  Maz smiled, "Thanks." I saw Sam making kissy faces and mouthed the words, "Are you jelly?" 

I rolled my eyes at Sam, "So what are you guys doing today?" 

Maz looked up from his plate, " I think we should have a crazy day, & Marliyn you should join us! You are always cooped up in here! Come on, you'll like the club!"

I looked at Maz,"I don't like the club..... I don't want to go!"

Maz looked surprise at my straightforward answer, "C'mon Marilyn! The lads want to meet you, the Harries want to meet you & Caspar wants to catch up with you!" 

Sam looked up from his phone, "That he does. Caspar misses you a lot, Marilyn, and the Harries twins are just dying to meet you." 

I poked my scrambled eggs not looking a them, "I have a lot of Hw from U.N.I and well, I need to catch up on my work." 

"You're going and that is final!" Maz exclaimed, Sam laughed, "Now she has to go!"



I finally agreed to go to Funky Buddah with the guys, but I told them that I would want to go eat first. I rummaged through my closet looking for something to wear, In came Mr. Pepper 'ohhh joy' 

"Hey Mare you ready to go?" Sam asked, 

I looked at him scrunching my eyebrows, "You've got to be kidding me, I haven't even chosen what to wear, Sam help me !!" I said looking through my closet.

Sam looked through my closet, "You have nothing slutty, nor any type of leopard, remind me to take you shopping for clubbing clothes."

"I'm sorry Sam, I'm not a slag, hmm do you see anything that might pass for a clubbing outfit?" I rummaged through the closet, Sam pulled out a red dress,"You can never go wrong with a red dress, wear this!" 

"Ohhkay How about with these gold pumps? and these earrings? " I asked Sam, Sam scanned the room looking for something, "Here, we go, hey you do have something leopard, Leopard sunglasses so you will look cool and sexy."  

I laughed, "Sam why am I going to wear sun glasses in a club where there is virtually no sunlight ? That is just plain stupid!"

Sam glared and crossed his arms,"Do you want Maz to notice you!"

I grabbed the outfit and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I soon put on the outfit Sam picked out, 'Ehhh not bad, pepper has good taste.' I then walked from the bathroom to see Sam sitting on my bed. His clubbing outfit blue poka-dot shirt and some jeans.

"Wow it looks really nice, are you going to put on make up?" 

I went to my dresser where all my make up supplies were at, "I'm thinking of just keeping it natural but having some eyeliner, foundation and some blush wouldn't hurt right?" 

Sam just smiled, "Hurry up though we told everybody we would meet them out front."

I finally was finished with my makeup and met up with everybody in front of the apartments. I saw a familiar little blonde in the group of people, I literally ran up to the man, "CASPAR AHHHHHHHHH!" I jumped onto him, and him being the sweetheart he is ........dropped me.......

"Ow Caspar, do you not watch dramatic movies? You were suppose to catch me!!" I said rubbing my arse

Everybody around me started laughing, except for one person, & No it wasn't Maz, I saw a hand extended toward me, and reached for it.. As I was pulled up from the ground I  was met with greenish emerald eyes. 


Alright Yay ^~^ My attempt at a mazzi Maz Fanfiction with a special cross over, reveled in the next chapter!!!

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