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A night spent in tears was finally over; I awoke to the sound of my ringtone.

I love the way you make me feel, I love it.

It was a text from Finn.

'Want to hang out? :)'

I smiled at the text, but had to decline the offer.

'I want to but I can't because of school :I'

I pulled the covers off of me and got out of bed, walking to the closet to pick out my outfit for today. I was all about ready to ditch today, but there was a serious lab I had to be there.

I picked out some baby-blue jean shorts, paired with a white blouse and some oxfords. I tied my hair into a sock bun and grabbed my gear to leave.

I entered the kitchen and quickly made myself some pancakes for breakfast, when in came Sam, all sleepy. "Where are you off to?" He yawned, grabbing a seat at the table. 

"Oh, I have to head off to uni since it's time for me to learn. I made extra pancakes for you to munch on." I walked up to him and kissed his cheek, (we say goodbye like that, yeah our friendship is weird, sue me!) I ran out of the door, only to find Finn parked outside.

"Need a lift?" he called.

I opened the car door. "Well, aren't you my knight in shining armor," I said, climbing into the passanger seat. Finn drove me to Cambridge; I unhinged the seat belt.

Before I closed the door, Finn asked, "Do you wanna hang out, you know, after this?"

I smiled. "I'd love to babe. See you soon." I started walking out.

"I'll pick you up at two, okay!" Finn called out.


Finally, the lab was over; dealing with chemicals is all fun and games till someone drops one and causes a chemical reaction. I was just glad to be going out to eat with Finn.

I heard my ringtone and saw Finn's text. 

'I'm out front xx'

I walked out of the building and quickly jumped into the car. "Where are we going?" I asked, pulling my seat belt on.

He turned his hands, still heavily on the stearing wheel. "Why, we're going shopping, babe."

I looked out the window and saw a mall.  "Shopping really?" I looked at Finn, whose face was all giddy with excitement. "What are you excited about?" I laughed.

"I just like shopping, okay! Plus Sam asked us to get some things for his annual beach bash," Finn replied. 

I knew what Finn was talking about. You see, Maz and Sam, as you know love to party, especially with friends and company. So, they both throw this huge party on the beach.

"One question babe," Finn said, opening the door to the mall. "Why haven't I seen you at the party?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, you see, my ex-boyfriend Brandon hated me going to Maz and Sam's parties, so I was never allowed to go." Finn stood there wide eyed. "But you know, I can't be tamed, I can't be tamed!" I yelled, head banging, hair flying everywhere.

Finn walked next to me. "You're so weird, but adorable," he said, pinching my cheeks.

I grabbed his arm. "Lets go shop, Harries!" 

I had to find the perfect outfit for the party, and also a new bathing suit! I looked throughout the store and found a beautiful sundress. I walked over to the bathing suits and found a nice two-piece bikini that was perfect for the occassion. I looked for Finn, and saw him trying on sunglasses. I called to him. "Going to try these on, be right back." 


Finn P.O.V

I looked at the sunglasses and sunhats, just goofing off and taking instagram pictures, till I came across the jewerly section of the store. I looked at the glass containing a mutiple array of necklaces.  I saw a cute heart pendant that just reminded me of Marilyn and asked the attendant to allow me to see the pendant. I also saw a charm braclet that matched the necklace. "Is there any way that I can get a special charm made for this?" I asked the attendant and she nodded. "I'll take these please."



We then made our way over to find decorations for the party. Seems Sam said he wanted a tiki-themed party, so as the queen commands, it must be done! I scanned the tiki torches and grabbed a few of them. Suddenly arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me. I laughed and looked over my shoulder; I expected Finn's face, but was greeted with a tiki mask. I screamed and heard a familiar laugh. "Finn, you jerk!" I yelled, slapping the tiki mask off of him.

Finn picked up the tiki mask. "So, you ready to have a blast?"

I shrugged, grabbing a couple of small umbrellas for drinks and pulling them into the cart. "You hoping to find a great shag, Finn?" I asked.

Finn shook his head. "I'm not looking for anybody, what about you?" Finn asked, grabbing a limbo stick and placing it into the cart.

"Nope, why aren't you looking for someone?" I asked, pushing the cart into another aisle.

"'Cause I have my mind set on this one girl." He smiled.

I felt sad after those words escaped his mouth. Looks like I'm too late for Finn too... Did I end up in the friend zone?

But we kissed, and you know, the table inccident... friends with benifits? I shook off all this nonsense thinking. "Whoever she is, she sure is lucky to have someone like you," I said flattly, I quickly walked to the cash register to purchase the items in the cart.


The ride home was silent. I mostly ended up on twitter and instagram, and even texted Sam. The car stopped, I looked up from my phone, and saw we were home. I got my stuff and got out of the car. "Do you need help?" Finn asked. 

"No, I can do it myself." I grabbed the mutiple bags and the equipment, but dropped two bags. Fact of the matter is, I coudn't do it by myself. Finn got out of the car and took some of the weight off of me. I limped my way up the stairs. I knocked on the apartment door, only to find Maz when it opened. I made my way into the apartment, ignoring Maz's greeting. He took the bags off of Finn and rudely told him, "You can leave now, thanks," closing the door on Finn. 

"Sam, I bought your decore!"

Sam came out of the gym, shirtless and drenched in sweat. "Thanks, did you have fun shopping?" Sam asked, rubbing a towel over his head.

"Eh," I said, shrugging my shoulders. I walked into my room and started surfing... the web! 

Seems somebody followed me as I saw Maz in my room. "Sorry," he mumbled.

I kept my eyes on the laptop. "What? I can't hear you," I started playing Ed Sheeran really loud.

"Sorry!" Maz yelled; I muted the music. "Sorry for everything. I just don't want you mad at me," he said, rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"Okay," I replied, going back to my laptop.

Maz scoffed, "Okay? Just okay?"

I nodded. "Maz, I'm really not in the mood!"

He looked at me. "Is there anything I can do?" he asked.

I shook my head, "Unless you get me Ed Sheeran tickets, then maybe... kidding! Just go off, I'm fine." I smiled. With that, Maz left the room.

Truth was, I wasn't fine...


Yay update sorry for the wait, but this stupid summer break hw :I Next chapter I'm pretty sure ya'll will love ;) 23 votes for Tiki Bash maybe :o please and thank you

Vote, comment and fan please <3

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