When Marilyn met George

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I saw Maz standing there at the door frame. He was still dressed in his attire from last night. "What's going on here?" He said, wide eyed at the scene in front of him.

I felt my cheeks getting red, then Caspar opened his mouth, "Looks like Marilyn & Finn were having a little sleep over." Maz looked in Finn & I's direction.

"Well, don't forget to use a condom." And with that, Maz left the room.

I managed to get the gang seated in the dining room. I then commenced to create a culinary masterpiece! Well, more like omelets and toast. I was preparing the omelets and in came Maz.

He moved me away from the stove. "You are making eggs the wrong way." Maz grabbed an egg from the egg carton and positioned the pan. "Look Marilyn this is how you make scrambled eggs." He threw the egg, and made a huge mess. Egg goo was all over the stove rather than the pan. I then felt a wet substance running down my leg, "MAZ you got egg all over me!" I huffed, "You made this mess you clean it up." I grabbed a towel and left the room.

'Ughhh how can he just pretend as if nothing happened.' I kept thinking.

I cleaned up my leg and in came Maz once again, "Are you okay?" He asked, I scoffed, "Yeah I'm peachy, on account I have egg on my leg AND I heard your little condom comment HA HA." He jumped on my bed, "Sorry, I was just saying, why are you mad?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, "Maz, just drop the subject please. & why do you have the same outfit as yesterday."

Maz smirked,"I didn't exactly come home yesterday." ........I ......wow, so he ended up hooking with the blonde from the club. "So you had fun," I tried my best to laugh but it came out as more of a sarcastic tone. Maz lifted himself off my bed and moved toward where I was, "Why do you keep pouting? " Maz brought his hand and cupped my face.

He brought his face close to mine, "Why have you been bitchy lately?" His face was a few inches away from mine, I then felt the tug and pull of Maz's hands pulling my cheeks, "Turn that frown upside down." I slapped Maz's hands away from my face, "Just stop," Maz then attacked me, he began to tickle me.

"Maz HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA STOP MAZ JUST STAWHHPP!!!" I kept yelling, Maz had me pinned on the floor tickling my ribcage, "NO, not until you stop being all mean & bitchy and stuff."

"OHHHKAY JUST AHAHHAHA STOP." Maz let me go, I had tears of laughter, "Marilyn are you mad at me?" Maz said pouting, I looked at him, "No I'm not, I can never stay mad at you." I smiled weakly.

'That was my MAJOR problem, I could never stay mad at Maz not even when he deleted my 15 page reasearch paper for my bussiness class. Maz used my laptop without my permission to upload one of his Mazzi Maz story times, but he exited Word & DIDN'T SAVE MY PAPER. I cried so much due to the 5 days I spent on that paper, Maz stood up all night trying to help me write my paper, I could never stay mad at him.'

Maz engulfed me in a hug, "Hey Mare, we should go out again!" Maz said smiling. I smiled, "You wanna go out?"

"Yeah, You and I should have a double date!" I stood there wondering what Maz meant, "You mean with Caspar, Sam and the Harries twins? that's more of a group date." Maz laughed, "No I mean how about You, Finn, & Samantha and I go out?" I blinked, at his answer, "Maz who is Samantha?" Maz blushed at the name, "Samantha is the blonde I met at the club, she is amazing Mare, I have a really good feeling about her."

'Samantha...... first I literally had my heart crushed once, now I have to worry about another person taking Maz's Heart.....yeah this day so far is shit!'

I shook my head, "I don't wanna go Maz, why don't you guys just go out?" Maz frowned, "But I want you to meet her, & plus Finn really wants to go out." I crossed my arms, "Why don't you find another person to go? I don't wanna go!"

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