A little bottle of rum & Ice Cream..... did I mention a feel good movie ?

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My heart sank, 'I love you as a friend.' These words kept playing back in my mind as I walked with Finn. I just hated the fact that Maz immediately started to dance with that random chick. He even fucking smiled. Fuck, that smile killed me.

I hung my head down and felt a light tap on my head. "Marilyn? Are you okay? Or as how Glozell would say: IS YOU OKAY?" Finn said frantically, raising his voice at the last part. I laughed but then gloom struck once again.

Maz loves Glozell... Ugh Maz!! I let out a big sigh.

Finn took a look at me and reached for my hand, "Come on, I know a place where you might cheer up." I followed Finn until I stumbled on crossing the street. My heels were killing me.

"Shit, my feet hurt," I said, sitting down on the side walk. "Ugh, I bet I look like a mess right now, huh?" I asked, looking up at Finn.

Finn sat next to me and put one arm around me. "Babe, you are a mess..." I punched him in the gut. "OW! Hey, you didn't let me finish. I wanted to say you are a mess, a hot mess." I punched him yet again and he rubbed his stomach right after. "OW! What was that for?"

I crossed my arms. "That wasn't exactly a compliment." Finn laughed and reached down to his shoes, untying his converse. "What are you doing, Finn?"

"You said your feet hurt, so take off your heels and put my shoes on!" Finn said, taking off his black and white converse.

I began to laugh hysterically. "Finn, you are just like one of those tumblr boys!" He laughed at my comment and handed me his shoes. "No thanks, I'm fine. I'll just take off my heels and walk barefoot," I said with a smile.

Finn frowned. "No you're not. Let me remind you these are the streets of London. For all you know, some hobo could've pissed on the sidewalk. Just take my shoes please, " Finn grabbed my gold pumps and exchanged them for his converse. You could say he did the ol' Cinderella shoe swap, but instead of glass slippers, I downgraded to Converse.

Finn got up and extended his hand toward me. "Come on, I still need to take you somewhere. " Finn grabbed my hand and walked me to an ice cream parlor. "Here we are! The best ice cream in town." We walked into the shop and saw mutiple flavors all lined up, and not to mention the mutiple toppings.

The lady working the cash register, cleared her throat and pointed at a sign that said 'No shoes, No shirt, No service.' I looked at Finn. "Do you want your shoes back?"

Finn shook his head and proceeded to put on my pumps, but they were too small. "There I have shoes. Very tall shoes." He looked down for a minute and looked back up at the lady.The lady looked at Finn like if he was crazy and Finn began to say his order, "I'll take a vanilla caramel twist with chocolate fudge. What about you, babe?" Finn turned to me, waiting for my order.

"I want chocolate chip ice cream with whipped cream, a cherry on top, and lots of gummy worms and bears please."

The lady brought out two cups of ice cream. She handed them to us and out the door we went. Finn immediately took off the high heels, "How can you wear these shoes, they are SO uncomfortable." I laughed and shrugged at his question, "I guess it's more for sex appeal, I dunno, it makes me feel pretty." I flashed a smile, Finn laughed, "You have enough sex appeal."

Finn then stopped at a small liquor store to buy something he needed. We passed the fridge full of liquor. Finn was about to leave when I tugged on his shirt, "Finn? Is there anything here that might taste like the drink I had at Funky Buddha?"

Finn smirked, "I thought you didn't drink alcohol." I put my head down, looking at my feet and twiddling my thumbs. "It's just it tasted really good, plus my day has been pretty wild, might as well just let loose." Finn opened the fridge and pulled a vodka bottle, and headed toward the cash register, paying for the items.

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