Selfie Sunday

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I sat on Finn's lap at the beginning of the movie, intertwining my hand with his. Caspar cried in anguish for he wanted to get some snacks before the movie started. Maz hit pause and told Caspar to quickly grab some chips and snacks to pass around.

I took this chance to sneak into my room and grab a blanket. I resumed my position on Finn's lap and wrapped the blanket around us. Everybody was fixed upon the television screen. The movie selection was DJango unchained (It was Maz's turn to pick the movie). Finn was so focused on following the storyline that I thought it would be the perfect time to return the favor he decided to do. ..under the dinner table.

I tried my best to get the attention of Mr. Harries, but he was so focused on trying to follow the storyline for DJango. I can't blame him though; the movie was pretty kick ass. I started kissing his collarbone, which caused him to look away from the telly. I smiled and he went back to watching the movie.

I knew I had to make a more drastic measure, I began to lightly kiss his neck and then went in for the kill. I pulled him closer to me and began to kiss him passionately. He pulled away and whispered, "Is this really necessary? Babe, I love you, but I wanna watch the movie."

I pouted, but then smirked. "Babe, I wanna repay you for what you did during dinner." I put my hands under the blanket, hovering over Finn's crotch.

I rubbed a little and he was instant putty in my hands, a throaty moan escaping his lips. Luckily, gunshots were firing from the television that nobody heard. I immediately began laughing at his reaction. I could feel his death glare in the darkness. My laughing seemed to piss off Maz, so he got up from his chair and moved toward where Finn & I were seated.

He seated himself between us. "Maybe then we can have some quiet, eh?"

I punched him in the gut. "You're no fun!"

After an hour of watching violence at its best, everybody was heading on out. I walked up to Finn and hugged him tightly. He bent down and whispered, "I did enjoy what was happening in the sheets. I would love more of it." I quaked at the sensuality he said with each word. He kissed my cheek before leaving the apartment.

I moved quickly in attempt to clean the mess the whole gang made. I swept the hardwood floor and heard Risky Business playing on the stereo. I turned around to find Maz slipping down the hallway in nothing but a dress shirt, underwear and socks, dancing like Tom Cruise did in Top Gun.

I started chuckling at the sight of Maz. "Hey, what are you doing?" I asked, trying to stop laughing. He paused the music and laughed at my reaction.

"I was just practicing a skit for my video. Glad to see you enjoyed it!" Maz said.

I put the broom away and walked toward my bedroom. I pulled my laptop out of my bag and started surfing the web. Fifteen minutes later, I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I said. In came Sam and Maz in animal onesies. Maz was dressed in a monkey onesie while Sam was dressed in a cat onesie.

"Hey Mare, want some ice cream?" I laughed at the two in onesies.

"I would love to have some ice cream, but what's with the get-up?"

Maz smirked. "I have one for you, too! I bought you your own onesie." He pulled out a colorful bag. "Open it." I pulled out the tissue paper and saw a penguin onesie.

"Maz, this is so thoughful! Thank you so much!" I pulled him in for a hug.

"Glad you enjoyed it! Now I think you forgot something," Maz said.

I looked at him, confused. "What did I forget?"

He pulled out his iPhone and snapped a picture of me. "It's Selfie Sunday!" he yelled.

I earned a facepalm from Sam. "I'll be back. I'm going to change into my gift. Get the ice cream ready." I said as I made my way over to the bathroom.

I quickly changed into the penguin onesie and entered my bedroom again. I saw Maz and Sam having a pillow fight. Maz was attempting to pin Sam to the floor while Sam was slapping Maz with a pillow. 

"I really need some girlfriends," I said, chuckling at the sight.

Maz got up from the floor. "Why do you need girlfriends when you've got us?" he said, pulling in Sam for a one-shoulder hug and snapping a picture.

"Well I guess you guys are the same. You're doing the same things girls do at sleepovers. First the ice cream, then the pillow fights. All that's missing is the talking of boys." 

Sam sat upright on my bed. "Well then, we can always start," he said, moving his eyebrows up and down.

Maz laughed. "Yeah, tell us Marilyn, who is your crush?"

I laughed sarcastically, "Some guy. I'm not even sure of my feelings anymore."

Maz looked intrigued. "Why?" he asked.

"I told him I loved him, but nada..." I said.

Maz frowned."Who is this guy? Sam & I will fuck him up!"

I looked at the ground. "Maybe you should punch yourself," I said under my breath.Sam was just laughing hysterically.

Maz picked up my stuffed penguin, George. "What is this? This one is new." 

"That's the penguin Finn won for me," I said, smiling.

"Hmm," was all I heard escape his mouth.  "So what's the situation with you and Finn?" he asked.

I looked at George. "Well, I don't know. I like him, but-"

Maz's smile wore off. "I think he's just playing you, Mare. You guys should just stay friends."

I frowned. "Since when do you decide my love life? What if I want to get with Finn?"

He seemed irritated. "I- Well, just don't rush things." 

I scoffed. "You're one to talk! Look at yourself before you judge others! Might I remind you got with Samantha, like, a day after you met her?"

He was pissed off now. "Well, fine then! I was just, just-"

"Just what? Might I remind you you said I could do what ever I wanted." I spat.

Sam pulled Maz out of the room. "I think it's best we leave. Come on, Maz." And with that, Maz and Sam were out of my room.


Ayy well here is another chapter, leave a vote and your thoughts on this :) 

If you haven't seen top gun, there is a youtube video on the underwear dance next to the story :D

Thank you dears -Eren xx

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