Aww you guys <3 (Author's note)

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Ohhkay so just wanted to give you guys an explanation, it'll be simple and to the point so don't worry.

I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry I haven't been able to update lately and i just want to say sorry again!

I've had a lot going on lately, I just started senior year and I've been really busy with Ap classes especially ap Calculus ughhh I want to cry bc math, and well I also have to start applying to colleges and start my career path ( omfg) 

thank you all for your patience and well I just enjoy the positive feedback love you all, and I plan to update when I get free time.

Love you all, please stay tune for the next chapter.

-Eren xx 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2015 ⏰

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