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The day of the party finally arrived. Maz and Sam immediately took off to the beach to prepare for the party. I told them I would arrive later because I wanted to get ready, when in fact, I wanted to sleep in more.  In all fairness, I really didn't want to party, but hey, why not be reckless and stupid while I'm still young?

I pulled myself into the shower and scrubbed my troubles away. After the shower, I pulled on my sundress, which I bought at the mall with Finn. 

Speaking of Finn, I heard the buzz of my mobile and saw a text from him.

'Wanna car pool to the party?' 

I really didn't have a ride, and if I pass up the offer I would have to take the train by myself... no! I replied to his text.

'Sure, give me 5mins and I'll be down.'

I quickly applied a bit of make-up. I was pulling my hair into a sock-bun when I noticed a small present on my desk. I looked at the tag; it said "To: Marilyn, From: Sam". I ripped open the wrapping and saw a lei and a flower crown. I read the small card.

Thanks for doing a great job shopping, -Sam

Oh Pepper... at times I want to tear him to bits, but I also love him to bits (Like a brother though, don't get any ideas you cheeky people!) 

I put on the accessories and slipped on my sandals just in the knick of time, since I received a text from Finn, 

'we're out front xx'

I grabbed my gear and ran out of the door.

I saw the Harries parked out in the front and opened the back door. "Hey, guys thanks for taking me." I got in the car.

"No problem," Jack replied.

A short drive later, we arrived at the beach.

The beach was fully decked-out in tiki decorations. Maz and Sam went all out! There was a full-on bar in the gazeeboo and hamburgers cooking on the grill. I couldn't wait to go eat!

We made our way to a group of people. I saw familiar faces like Caspar and Alfie. I was also introduced to Marcus, Louis, and BB. I looked around and saw Finn being hugged by a small pettie girl. She had light brown hair with blonde tips. He held her tightly and kissed her cheek just before releasing her. I wondered if this could be the girl he was talking about...

A crowd of loud guys came over to the party. They looked awfully familiar and once they came closer, I noticed it was the Janoskians.

"I didn't expect to be this many youtubers at this party!" I said aloud. Everyone laughed, since about ninety percent of the party was filled with youtubers.

Sam walked over to me. "So you got my gift? Now I have one small favor to ask of you."

I rolled my eyes, "I knew this gift was to bribe me to do something. What do I need to do?"

He pulled out a bottle and asked, "Can you work the bar, please!"

I whined; I hated alcohol, but I did have a knack for mixing and making really good drinks. I walked over to the bar and started making drinks for the guests. I looked around the gazeeboo and a figure caught my eye, a slim figure that was wearing the shortest dress I ever saw. I could almost see her ass. She turned around and I groaned... Samantha was here,

Samantha made her way over to the bar. "Can I have something to drink? Something heavy?" She smiled when she saw me. "Oh, so they put you as the help? How charming..." She faked a smile.

I started mixing up her drink. and poured it in a glass. "Here."

She took a sip, "Your fashion is still horrid, I see."

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