Part 23

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I open my eyes and see sunlight pouring in through the window. I feel my heartbeat in my head. I hear breathing next to me and hands around my waist. I put my hand on his and slowly move them off of me. He starts shifting, making me stop moving. He is still and I continue to get up. Once I'm standing I quietly walk into the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see that I have dark bags under my eyes. My head still hurts and I'm in Mattheos T-shirt. I lift the shirt up and see that I have shorts on. I let out a breath and walked over to the shower. 

I turn it on and start to take my clothes off. Once I'm undressed I step into the shower and put my head under the water. I stand there for a minute before grabbing the shampoo. I guess Mattheo thought of everything. Clothes, drinks, stuff for the shower, towels. I rinse the shampoo out and put some conditioner in my hair. I rinse it out and wash my body.

Once I'm out I wrap a towel around myself, put my glasses on and walk into the room. I look at the bed but don't see Mattheo. I shrug it off and walk to the closet to get dressed. I picked out an oversized black shirt and black ripped shorts. Once I have it on I put on my shoes. Unfortunately I only have the pair that I brought. I don't feel like blow drying my hair so I leave it damp and wavy. I grab my phone that I have no idea how it got on the charge and put it in my pocket. I Walk downstairs and look around. I sigh and walk outside by the pool. I get my phone and look through all the pictures from the previous night. I smile as I see them all. I still don't remember much so I'm glad I have pictures.

 Once I'm done looking at them I check my Instagram messages. There are over two thousand people that have DMed me in the last 24 hours. I see girls that never would have talked to me tell me about parties there throwing and the boys either ask if i'm single despite pictures of me posting multiple pictures is me and Mattheo, Or they ask what school I go to. Even though I've been in the same school as them since freshman year. I ignore all the messages and close my phone. I can't help but feel happy that so many people finally see me. But it bothers me that they only see me now that I'm with Mattheo. No, actually I'm not even with him. At least not officially. And that bothers me more than people seeing me because of him. We make out. We touch. We talk. We flirt. But we aren't together. And for some reason I remind myself of that every time I see him. Every time I want to tell people he's mine. Everytime i kiss him in public. I have to remind myself in case that's all we are. Make out buddies. I feel like We're There for one another so the other doesn't feel alone. And stomach turns just thinking about it. I'm Just staring at the water and thinking about him and everything that's going on with us. It's all I can think about. Mattheo is constantly running in my mind. 

Yet I can't help but think I'm not running through his. I've never wanted to be with anyone before and now I do after I've only known him for a short period of time.My minds racing and I'm stuck in all the thoughts until I hear a voice. A voice that penetrates me every time I hear it. I turn around without hesitating and look at him. "What's up?" I smile. He smiles back "Nothing much. Just wanted to see where you went. You wake up pretty early for someone who's hungover".He chuckles and I groan "Don't remind me" He smiles. "You're the one who wanted to drink so much" I frown. "Shhhh. I had fun last night". He chuckles when I say this. "Yeah, you were pretty crazy". I groan and cover my face with my hands "How crazy are we talking?" I ask kinda not wanting an answer. He chuckles as though hes remembering what happened last night. "Well you started by pouring vodka all over yourself" I groan. "And then you tried taking off your . clothes because you didn't like that they were wet and smelled like it.. Want more?" I cover my face with my hands and tilt my head down "Mmm. I'm good" I chuckle nervously, which he seems to pick up on my mood. 

He reaches for my hands and gently moves then away from my face. He runs his thumb across my cheek and I immediately turn so red. I don't know how he does it. I was born not to let anything or anyone get to me. But somehow he did, in all the right ways. He smiles and looks at me. I look back down and he kisses my forehead. "How is it that ive only know you for a week and i care more for you then people i've known my whole life?" He whispers as he slowly starts leaning closer to my face. My breath quickends and my heart feels as though its going to beat out of my chest " "I-I don't-" I tried but i couldn't form a sentence. 

He chuckles deeply and brushes his lips against mine. I lean in to kiss him completely when he pulls away slightly. Just far enough to avoid my kiss. "Impatient are we?" He asks and i start to fluster once again. "Please just kiss me" I whisper softly, causing another chuckle to come out of his mouth. Why the hell is he being such a tease all the sudden? "Mattheo please" He smiles softly and leans in. I lean in as well, causing us to meet halfway and instead of his kissing he hungrily like i thought he would. He kisses me so soft that if i ask him to kiss me and then us both kean in. i wouldn't have know he was kissing me at all. He pulls away and looks at the kitchen quickly. I look as well and see that hes looking at Ryan whos just watching us. "H-Hey Ryan" *I say nervously. God why am I stuttering so much today?! I look at Ryan whos now smirking. "Dont mind me. Just watching the sunrise.". He says innocently although we both know that what hes saying isnt true. "Is Nala up?" I ask, smiling slightly. "Not yet. She's a pretty heavy sleeper though" He chuckles at what he said. "Well then how about i go wake her up and you two get ready? I know you guys must be hungry?" 

I ask smiling Ryan shoots Mattheo a look and Mattheo nods slightly. Ryan runs to what i hope is upstairs and Mattheo smiles. He wraps an arm around me and kisses my forehead lightly. "Meet at the front door in 20?" I smile and nod before he walks off. 

This breakfast was going to be fun. Because i had the perfect plan.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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