Kidnapped Princess Coliel AU

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Summary: Seliel is a princess of kingdom, and amongst the glamour and champagne of a party hosted at her palace, she meets a man named Cole that explodes with chemistry and mystery. Everyone said curiosity killed the cat, and by God, is she paying for that mistake. Being hungover is like a dream right now.

Tags: Kidnapping, Swearing, Mentions of Alcoholism, Tension (Hatred and/or Sexual)

Chapter inspired by, Blades That Sing (And Love That Burns), by Chimiiko


When Seliel wakes up, its like her head was full of stars and her mouth was filled with soft, fluffy cottonballs. Her brain was still blanketed by the confines of sleep, and she forces herself to swallow. Water would be nice, but for some reason her body hurt and she can't really move her arms quite yet — they must still be asleep.

Seliel wanted to fall back asleep into the comforting darkness behind her eyelids, but for some reason she stayed conscious.

Why was she so sore? And why were her arms not moving? Waking up has never felt so exhausting, even on her most strenuous days when she pushed her body to the limit when she trained.

With a soft groan, Seliel opened her blue eyes, sight going hazy from being shut for so long. Then she stopped. Stiffened.

Holy fuck.

She's been kidnapped.

Seliel wasn't in her comfortable room and in her bed. She wasn't even passed out on a roof with bottles of alcohol and a hangover.

No, she was in a cell. She was in a goddamn cell, stone-walled with no window in sight. She was strapped to a chair, and her arms were bound to the back of it while her ankles were tied to each leg.

Her wrists ached from how tight the ropes were laced, and they screamed for help when Seliel tried to give an experimental tug. Whoever locked her up like this had clearly never tied up a human being before.

Or they just simply didn't care who she was.

Memories resurfaced: there was a party, one of the big fancy ones with flutes of champagne and shaking hands with people who you pretended to know. Seliel was bored out of her mind and was looking for a way to escape when she saw him — Cole.

He had intrigued her, and when they spoke he acted coy, charming, mysterious. Seliel hadn't minded, she had always liked a good mystery, but there had been a delicious chemistry brewing between them, and Seliel had almost been hoping that her night would end better than she even anticipated.

But then she had been whisked away, called to shake hands with people she could care less about. Cole was gone when she managed to escape, leaving nothing but a single note of where to find him the next day.

Seliel violently strained her wrists against the scratchy material tying them behind her back. The pain does nothing to overshadow memories of what happened that next day: breaking out of the palace to find him, spending hours searching for him the next morning, and then —


Cole — that fucking asshole, Cole — and hers' little escapade. She had found him, and then they were kissing, wildly and desperately, as Seliel's hands traveled up his shirt and Cole pressed her in the wall. Thoughts of Cole's body, Cole's lips, leaving a mark against her throat and his quiet whisper of 'I'm sorry' before his arms came crushing down her throat rushed in so fast Seliel felt like she's gotten whiplash.

Fuck. Fuck!

All because she wanted to get laid, she was in this fucked up situation.

Without even realizing it, Seliel's breathing had gotten ragged. She closed her eyes to try and calm down, but the darkness only made it easier to picture the way Cole had kissed down her neck one second then squeezed the life out of it the next.

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