Traitor Lloyrumi AU

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Summary: Here is something to shed some light on the situation: Ninjago City was taken over. It was overrun by someone called the Quiet One, also known as Harumi. But she didn't single-handedly take over Ninjago City. No, she had the help of someone else. Someone named Lloyd Garmadon.

Tags: Toxic Relationships (it's Harumi), Self-Harm, Harm

Chapter inspired by Act Natural, by the-modern-typewriter on Patreon


Lloyd's new purpose in life was to be entertaining.

He was locked away in Harumi's penthouse while she went to work. He was just supposed to be there — warming her bed, waiting for her to get home, cooking her meals, ect.

It was like a sick version of playing house, with Lloyd as the lovesick husband waiting for his dear wife to get home.

Lloyd would have preferred torture to this. He supposes this is why Harumi chose this to begin with.

Here is something to shed some light on the situation: Ninjago City was taken over. It was overrun by someone called the Quiet One, also known as Harumi. But she didn't single-handedly take over Ninjago City. No, she had the help of someone else. Someone named Lloyd Garmadon.

Lloyd was a civilian in Ninjago City, but he was friends with the Ninja, the protectors of this city. They had raised him when they found him on the street, and had loved him as one of their own. He wasn't an Elemental Master like them, so as soon as he was old enough he went on to lead a civilian life — go to school, get a job, ect.

That was until Harumi came into his life. Looking back, Lloyd should have known that having such obvious connections to the Ninja would lead to trouble. Draw in the wrong types of people.

The Quiet One was a dangerous figurehead in Ninjago City. They had a name, but Lloyd was finally able to put a face to it one dark night when Harumi slid into his life with dangerous eyes and silky threats.

She used his fear. She made him her pawn, and used him to betray his family. With inside information from Lloyd, Harumi was able to hit them, hit the city, where it hurts.

Because of Lloyd, Ninjago City was sent crumbling to its knees and the Ninja were left reeling. Nobody knew if they were dead or alive or if they had found refuge in another city.

And Lloyd?

Harumi picked him up in the middle of the night, praised him, and then stole him away.

Harumi was away now, dealing with running her new city. Lloyd got out of the shower, steam curling the air as he dried himself on his towel and pulled on his clothes when —

Hands seized him from behind, clamping over his mouth before he could yelp and slammed him to a wall.

"Easy, Lloyd. We're here to rescue you. Easy."

Lloyd froze. Blinking, stunned, Lloyd whipped around and faced one of the brothers' he betrayed.


He looked older than he did when he last saw him. Wearier, more tired, and he had a new scar under his eye that wasn't there before. Lloyd swallowed the lump in his throat.

He did that.

It was his fault that Kai was so worn, so battle-torn and rough. Lloyd had betrayed Kai and his family because he was too afraid, too cowardly.

"What are you doing here?" Lloyd asked. It suddenly occurred to him that Harumi would be back soon, and if she saw Kai standing in their bedroom she would kill him. A sharp spike of fear shot through him.

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