A Proposal!?

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Edyn's POV

I wake up in my own bed. Which is strange because I fell asleep at the base. I contemplate on whether to go deeper in my bed or get up.

I look at the clock across the room, it's 7:59! I listen for movement downstairs and hear nothing. I decide that I'd better get up. I go to the bathroom, get dressed then head over to moms room.

I tip-toe over to her room. I don't really know why, If she's not already up she needs to be be.

I go over to her bed and sure enough, she's still sleeping. It's funny when I think about it. Usually I'm the last one up.

"Mom," I say. She doesn't stir. "Mom, it's eight o'clock." I gently shake her.

She moves and starts to open her eyes. "Good morning," I say, looking as cute as I can.

"Mmm, Good Morning," she smiles. She always has a smile on her face, even when she first wakes up.

"What time is it?" she asks.

"Uh..." I look at the clock, "8:03"

"Oh lord," she shoots up and runs to her closet.

"I'm gonna go down stairs," I called.

I go past Angie's room and she is still in bed too. I walk in and see a schedule on her nightstand.

L&L Auto Mat

Monday- 8:30am


Wednesday- 8:30am

Thursday- 9:00am

Friday- 8:30am

Saturday- 9:00am

Sunday- off

I look at the walk clock, again, and it's 8:10.

"Angie, Angie your gonna be late for work," I shame her gently.

She shoots up like mom did. "Thanks, E," she said going to her bathroom.

My stomach growls, so I go downstairs to get breakfast.

I go to the kitchen to, finally, get something to eat. All that sounded good was eggs, bacon and toast. I made enough for everyone to have some. Whether they finished it or not.
"Thanks for making breakfast, E," Angie said taking a bite of toast.

Mom nodded in agreement. And was smiling. Like smiling alot. More than I have ever seen.

Angie had left after her breakfast.

"So," I say tauntingly, "How was the Stork Club thing last night."

Peggy's POV

"Oh, good," I said, finishing my breakfast.

"So, was it a date?" she persisted.

"If I tell you will you leave it alone," I laugh, but being serious.

She huffed before nodding.

"I was on a date with," I paused just to make her more curious.

"With who?! With who?!" she almost screamed.

I laughed, "Captain America," I start smiling at the memory of last night.

I look back at Edyn who has her mouth agape.

"Come on," I said grabbing my purse, and chuckling "We are gonna be late."

Time skip to Base

We get inside and Edyn runs off on her own separate way while I go to my office.

Edyn's POV

I run of to find Lyric. We became really close friends. I was going to tell her about my mom going on a date with the Captain America!
I was still in awe. I mean I knew she had a thing for him but still. Then I remembered he crashed the plane and 'died'.

Oh, well, moms happy, I'm happy.

"Hey Lyric," I said finally finding her.

"What do you want," she said in an annoyed tone.

"Just coming to say, hi," I said, sounding more like a question.

"Well, you said it so leave," she said. I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Ow," I screech. I look at Lyric, whose eyes are red-orange. "Lyric, you need to calm down," I warn her stepping back.

"What and why do you care?" She screamed at me.

"Because your gonna put yourself and the people around you in danger," I said, becoming a little shaky.

"WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS IN PEOPLE'S. BUSINESS," she screamed louder.

"I'm just trying to h-help y-" I started to say but she interrupted me.

"You know what?" she starts, walking towards me, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here having the worst time of my life!"

"Lyric, if it weren't for me, you would be under Hydra's control! If it weren't for me, you would be their personal flying monkey, if it weren't for me, YOU WOULD BE HAVING A WORSE TIME THAN THIS!" I yelled.
The ground and everything around us starts shaking, but I didn't give a bloody thing about it.

"UGH! I HATE THIS STUPID PLACE!" she yells. Her clothes start getting burned through and flames are on her shoulders.

"Lyric," I warned, "calm down,"
I backed up so much that I it a table and Lyric is really close to me. There's three tranquilizer darts and the emergency button. I grab tranquilizer dart and throw it at her.

"What-" she drops down on the floor, sleeping. Everything is still shaking. I take deep breaths, to try and calm myself down. But it's not working.

I grab another dart and stab it into my arm. I tried, before I was to knocked out, to set myself down so I didn't get a concussion.

BACKFIRE! I hit my head on the table before I went down.

Hey, sorry if you were actually hoping for a proposal but I decided to go a different direction. And if your wondering why I couldn't just change the title, but I wanted to surprise and _________ (fill in the blank of what you thought it was).

Enjoy, Comment & Share!

Agent Jones

Wow your going to be amazed;

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