Explanation, Please

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"What did you do?!" Peggy yelled at Howard.

"Uh," he stuttered with a questioning look, "Saved your life?"

Peggy knelt down next to Edyn to check her pulse. It was beating and not seeming to lose speed. She followed down to her heart and checked it; it was beating as if she didn't get shot. Peggy was confused. "What did you do?"

"Another thing I've come up with. It's a gun except instead of a deadly bullet it's got a 'sleeping bullet' per say," he said putting airquotes around sleeping bullet.

"That is actually," Peggy stopped to find the write words, "Brilliant. How long does it last?"

"I don't know, exactly. Uh, I have everyone outside ready for... anything really." Howard days, trying to get if subject. He stepped forward and knelt beside Peggy.

Peggy rolled her eyes and hoped it lasts long enough. "What about Lyric? And the other little girl?" she questioned.

"We've got them back at base. Secure."

"Let's get her out of here," Peggy said starting to lift Edyn up. As she started to tell Howard how to help she heard sniffling. Like someone was crying.

"Peg? What's the matter?" he questioned at her quizzical look. He scanned the room but saw nor heard anything.

"Shh," she hushed him. Peggy followed the sound out of the room and around the corner, until she couldn't anymore. She stood in front of a wall, dead end. But she heard the crying louder than before.

She thought for a moment. She reached out her hand to feel the wall. Maybe there was some sort of secret door or something. She felt a small crack in the wall. Something you couldn't see, but feel it. She found a crack big enough to stick her fingers through. Just enough to pull it open.

Inside she found a little boy. Looking the age of seven. He stopped crying and looked up. He saw a beautiful face, breathing heavily with some scraps across her forehead and velvety red lipstick. Her chocolate brown, curly hair bounced around her face, her eyes chocolate brown too, full of comfort and question. "P-pl-please don't h-hurt me," he stuttered weakly.

"Oh, sweetie I'm not going to hurt you." Peggy assured the little boy. It was about a full sized bedroom so, Peggy didn't think it was to suffocate him. Although, it looked like he hadn't eaten in days. She continued, "I'm here to help. What's your name?"

"J-Josh. Do you know where my sister is? And Lyric? And Edyn?" he asked, suddenly worried.

She thought of Edyn and Lyric and pulled together that the other girl was this boy's sister. "Yes. Yes, I know where they are. They are okay, just sleeping. Can you tell me what your sisters' name?"

"Renee," he said. A sudden smile broke across his face at the mention of his sisters' name.

"Let's get out of here," Peggy said. She stood up and offered her hand to Josh. Josh took it kindly and they headed out. Peggy went back to the room Edyn and Howard were, to head on and get our of this place.

"Peg? Where've ya been?" Howard asked worried. He looked down at the boy that was hiding behind Peggy. "Who's he?"

"This is where I've been. And his name is Josh. His sister, Renee, is the girl was with Edyn and Lyric," Peggy explained. Peggy looked behind Howard and saw Edyn wasn't there.

"Don't worry," Howard said following her gaze, "I had the medics take care of her."

"Well then, I think our work here is done," Peggy said, "Let's go."


Alright peeps,
That was chapter 41. I hope you guys are enjoying! This book is almost over. BUT, ...but there will be a sequel. So...

Enjoy/Comment/Read more!

~Agent Jones


Agent Jones CarterWhere stories live. Discover now