Agent Carter vs. Agent Carter

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Edyn paced quickly around the building. Searching every room for Carter. She went to the training room. No one there. She headed to the 'classroom.'


Peggy stopped at a rather large room when she heard movement inside. "I hate working here. Dumb Innis. Ugh!" the voice sighed. Sounding like she sighed in frustration. "Those girls. Poor girls. Probably trained to be killers and I helped."

Peggy slowing walked in. She had her gun but held it low. She was hoping this woman wasn't a threat. She didn't think she was. As she walked further in the room it was a huge mess. There was ice on the walls and parts of the room had frozen floors. Some things looked like it had be burned, colored black and turning into ash. It pained Peggy to look at it and know exactly who did it.

"Excuse me," the voice called in worry, "Who are you?"

The woman had her hands behind her back, indicating she had some sort of defense weapon. "It's okay," Peggy said, in a soothing sort of way, "I'm here to help."

The woman didn't seemed convinced. She held the 'weapon' tighter. Peggy continued, "I work for an agency called SHIELD. We are trying to defeat Hydra. Technically, I did. Those girls. The three girls, I know two of them. One of them is my daughter. The other, her best friend. I do not know the other. Hydra kidnapped them all and brainwashed them." Peggy was just sharing everything she knew. She was trying to earn her trust.

"Innis? Gina?" she almost stuttered.

"You don't have to worry about them anymore." Peggy reassured. "What's your name?"

"Buchanan. Michelle Buchanan."


Edyn stood outside the classroom listening to the two talk. She snuck into the room when Ms. Michelle introduced herself.


Peggy kept her eyes and ears peered. She figured Edyn would search the SHIELD base but that wouldn't keep her there long. Edyn was smart.

Peggy turned her head to the left slightly, hearing movement in the background. She whispered to Michelle, "Go. Find a way out of this place and leave."

Michelle copied Peggy's whisper, asking, "Where?"

Peggy listened behind herself, "The Automat. The diner a block away from here. I will pick you up later."

Michelle fled. She knew the place Peggy was talking about. She wanted out if this pace and know she could. And she could do it without worry if getting in trouble.

Edyn saw Michelle run out of the room. She knew that Peggy knew Edyn was here. So, she wasted no time. Edyn lunged at Peggy, taking her head on.

Peggy defended herself. She did the best she could not to hurt Edyn just get her to stop.

The two tried different things on each other that just wouldn't work. They were both excellent fighters and fantastic agents. It all came naturally. Peggy was pretty impressed with Edyn's learned abilities, just not happy that she was using them against Peggy and SHIELD.

Peggy grabbed a led pipe to hit her with it, interesting to knock her out. But Edyn held up her hands and pushed it out of Peggy's hand.

This is frustrating, they both thought almost in unison. As they each thought they were about to defeat the other, a gunshot echoed through room. Peggy looked around. She looked at herself. She didn't feel pain, she didn't see blood, what was going on? She looked at her surroundings. The first thing she saw, was Howard with a gun in his hands, breathing heavily. She looked toward the last place she saw Edyn. There she lay, seemingly limp and feeling lifeless.

"What did you do?!" Peggy yelled at Howard.


OMGosh! That chapter was intense! Even for me! And I wrote it!
I hope your enjoying!

Enjoy/Comment/Read more!
~Agent Jones

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