Chapter 36

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The reason why there is an italicised P where it normally wouldn't be, it's because the p's are messed up for some reason. It's really weird because it didn't do it to capitalized P.

"Edyn! Gina?! Where's Edyn," Innis shouted.

"She's in the training room. Sir? Is there something wrong?" asked Gina.

"No. No I'm sorry for yelling. I was just making sure she didn't leave," Innis said rubbing his forehead, "I thought she had tried to leave the building again."


This isn't good! Peggy told herself as she watched Dottie Underwood leave the alleyway the girls went inside the building. If Dottie's involved, who knows what could happen! Peggy went straight back to base to tell everyone of her sightings.


As Innis walked inside the training room, he watched- rather proudly- at how she was doing. As a training agent charged toward her, she stretched forth her hand and picked up a metal rod and hit him with it. All with her mind.

"Cut! Cut, cut cut," Innis said. Edyn jerked her head toward Innis, relaxed as she saw who it was. Innis stared down at her plainly. She begins to question, "Sir? Is there a problem?"

He stares at her more then breaks out a smile. He starts clapping his hands rather loudly. "That was brilliant!"

He pats her on the back, "Anyway, I have a job for you."

Edyn looked up at Mr. Innis and straightened her posture. "I need you to show Lyric and Renne to Ms. Michelle and tell them what they aren't be doing. They're ready."

Edyn saluted Innis and left to do her orders. Edyn never showed any emotion really, ever. Unless she was fighting but even then she just showed anger. Lots and lots of anger. Edyn didn't know it exactly but it was Dottie's fault. That's what Dottie replaced with Edyn's love, care and 'good' fight, with, she replaced it with anger. But she 'told' her to use it only in battlefield.

Edyn felt something, deep, deep down in her heart, to be careful of the battles she may come across... for they may not be ones she will want to fight. She didn't listen to that. She didn't know what to do with it anyway, so she pushed out side, to me never thought about again.

When she got to Lyric and Renee they were standing in the hallway week blank faces. Nothing that surprised Edyn, though. "Lyric, Renee," Edyn gestured to them, "I'll show you to what your supposed to be doing next. This is going to be an 'abilities' class. Ms. Michelle will be helping you discover what you are capable of and how to use it, and to control it."

Edyn showed the girls to the room and introduced them to their teacher. Then, Edyn left them to do their work. She had nothing else to do so she went back to the training room. She didn't know it but she loved her new controlled ability.

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