Finding the Shooter

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Simmons, a day later, remembered about questioning Gina. So, she went to her bunker as quick as she could.

When she finally arrived, she knock on her door. "Come in," Simmons heard from the inside.

She walked in and sat in a chair next to Gina's bed. "So I wanted to talk about a couple nights ago with the girls." Taryn said calmly.

"Okay," Gina said excitedly. She figured Taryn wanted to know what they did and if maybe she could join next time.

"What were you doing when you left the girls,"

"Oh," Gina looked straight in Simmons eyes, "I was going to the bathroom."

"What did you do after that?"

"I went back to the room but they were gone so I went looking for them."

"Did you hear the gun shot?"

Gina hesitated, "no."

"How? The bathroom is right next to the room you guys were in."

"I must've not have been listening." Gina defended.

"Okay," Simmons stood from her seat, "Thank you."

Gina smiled, "No problem."

Simmons left the room with numerous ideas on how to expose Gina.

First she went to Peggy. One thing that they hadn't done, she actually felt pretty dumb about, was check security cameras.

"Peggy?" Simmons knocked on her office door.

"Agent Simmons. Come in." Peggy smiled at the bright agent.

"What can I do for you?" Peggy asked as Taryn seated herself in front of the director.

"Well, I've been doing some research and investigating on Lyric's shooter. and something tells me it was Gina."

Peggy gave herself an, I knew it, look.
"What makes you think that?" Peggy questioned Taryn's theory.

"Well, the past few days she's been getting really close to the girls. Like she's trying to figure something out. And I'm thinking part of Lyric getting shot was a part of that."

"Go on," Peggy listened contently. Simmons was making sense.

"Anyway, I felt really dumb about this but, we haven't check the security cameras so I thought maybe you could give me permission to do so?"

"Of course, we can do it together."

The two agents went to Howard's office where most of the security camera computers were. They looked back three days and indeed find someone headed toward the room with a gun.

"Bloody Nora," Peggy exasperated. The person Who did it was dressed in black pants, shoes and hoodie. And had completely avoided the camera. Do they had no idea who it could've been.

"It's definitely a woman. She's got black heels on," Simmons pointed out.

"Well, let's look through her locker see if we find the clothes. And if you find a gun see if it matches the bullet she was shot with." They went back to Peggy's office, "Here's Her key."

"Yes ma'am," and Simmons was off.

Simmons went to the locker room. She made sure no one was there then continued. She opened it and there were S.H.I.E.L.D uniforms and indeed a black hoodie and heels. She also found three hand guns she had never seen before. She knew what they were just had never dawn then in S.H.I.E.L.D base before. She quickly took the mental note.

"Excuse me," Gina interrupted, "That's my locker."

A startled Taryn looked at Gina, "Oh Right."

Simmons shut the locker, "I'm sorry. I was getting a new locker and I guess Agent Carter gave me the wrong One. I wandered why there was stuff in it. I was getting ready to haul the stuff out. I'm so sorry, I'll tell Peggy that this one is taken." Taryn lied.

"Oh, it's okay," Gina chuckled,"I thought you were just looking through my stuff."

"No. No, no, I'm sorry again." Gina smiled forgivngly and Simmons left.

"Sir, I think they are on to me," Gina said through her, non-SHIELD, earpiece.

"Then hurry and get the objective done." he said through the other end.

"Yes sir."

Simmons gave the key back to Peggy and nodded then left. She went to the lab and examined the bullet.


Well I hoped you enjoyed the book. That was the end of it. Should I make a sequel?

~Agent Jones.

JK!!! Lol. This is definitely NOT the end of the book. But there will be a sequel.


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