A New Beginning

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I looked at my Lieutenant as she was giving out orders to my army. I sighed and got off my throne. "I'm just gonna go for a walk," I told her. She nodded in response and went back to giving out orders. I went to the Hunter's pit and it smelled of rotten corpses and poo. "Note to self: Have someone clean this mess up, while serving lunch." I thought. I went up to the Guard's Watchtower to see the beautiful view of the Sun touching the horizon. "Hello, my king! Need anything?" asked Charles who was on duty. One of my favorite half-demons. 

"Nah, just looking at the view." I replied. "Ah, very beautiful isn't it?" I nodded. "Why do they think we're evil? We're the same just as any of them." I said. "Aye, but with this kingdom's history of conquering and slaughtering different regions, its hard for them to change their perception of us." he replied. "You are the Demon King after all."

Demon King. Yeah, that I was, but I never planned on becoming one. "I guess." "Cheer up laddie! You've got a whole army to command and do your bidding. If I was you, I'd have four guards carry me in their undergarments!" He joked. That got a laugh out of me. "Finally! You finally laughed! I'll be sure to tell everyone about this!" he boasted. "Wanna be assigned to Hunter Pit cleaning?" I said to him smirking. His face went pale and sat back down. "Didn't think so." 

"Bah, thinking he can order me around just like that," he muttered. "Sorry, but did you just say: "Yes! I would love to take Hunter Pit cleaning!" I mocked. "Shut up." We laughed. "Well, I'll be going then Charles. See ya around." I said as I head out the door. He waved without looking back. What to do, what to do? I kept asking myself. I decided to go the nearby town just down the road.

There was a guard on patrol so I asked him to bring out my trusty steed, Senor Guapa. I had no idea what was running through my mind when I decided to name him/her that. Minutes later, the guard had arrived with Senor Guapa. My steed had a red and black mane, red-fire like aura surrounding him/her, green glowing eyes, and black hide. "Hiya buddy." I said to the horse who replied with a neigh. "Cool." I jumped on its back and rode to town nearby. When I got closer, I put the built-in hood my armor had in order for the people not to see the Demon King's face. They said I had to remain unknown from the public. 

When I entered the town, the streets were bustling with people. A lot of shops were open for business, everyone looked so happy. I explored some more. "You there sir! C'mere! I got some fine goods just for you." a merchant said to me. I looked at his stash of potions, drinks, food, and enchanted rings. One of the rings caught my attention.

It was a silver ring with a lion emblem on it. "That one," I pointed. "Ah! The Leonel Ring. Rumor has it, that whoever has this ring has the ability to gain immense strength." the merchant said. "How much?" "50,000." I cocked my eyebrow at him, but I doubt he knew I did with the hood over my head. I bring out 50 pure gold coins which cost more than 50,000 dysoks

The merchant's eyebrows shot up and his jaw hung wide open with awe. "T-t-this is more than 50,000! Where did you get this much?!" he asked as he took the coins from my hand and played with them. "I'm an uh...ambassador from the Frielands," I replied. "The Frielands?! But that's the poorest and weakest of all the regions! They're bankrupt 24/7 and rarely get income! How do you get paid that much?" the merchant exclaimed laughing. Boy, did he regret saying that as I punched him straight in the face and took the ring and my money back. "Don't talk about Frielands like their trash!" I yelled and turned my back and kept walking.

Frielands was where I was originally from. Its a beautiful countryside but like the merchant had said, the Frielands are always in bankrupcy. Its one of the main targets of the Silviata Kingdom due to the tall wheats, and forests around the area which is great for ambushes, not to mention the observatory which has great view of the main city.. I walked around the busy town, buying the foods they were selling. It was delicious! Especially the fried Cokozen leg. As I was walking around, I saw a group of thugs walk into the alley with knives in their hands. 

"Should I? I mean its not my business or anything..but justice! Psshh, shut up about that justice crap. C'mon man. Think about it, if we decide to help we may get a reward! And if they're broke? Then...the feeling of justice will take over and we won't care about the money. Your stupid. I know." I thought to myself. I kept walking and saw a glimpse inside of the alley where the thugs had gone into. They surrounded a young boy who looked about seven or eight years old. From the looks of it, they beat him up pretty bad. I stopped and thought to myself. "Gah!" I exclaimed while turning around to go back to the alley. "Give us the money kid!" one of the thugs yelled. "N-no!" the boy stuttered.

The thug smirked, picked up the kid and threw him back down. The thug walked over to the boy and turned him over. "Will you give it back now?" the thug asked in a fake polite tone. I walked towards the three and kicked the thug to the right at the back of his knee causing the thug to kneel and then snapped his neck. "What the?" As the main thug turned to face me, I kneed him in the jaw making him fall on his back. The other thug threw a punch at me which I simply countered by stepping to the side, grabbing his arm, and using own momentum against him to make him fall over. I bent his arm hard enough to break it. "I gotchu now!" the thug who I kneed said. 

Without turning around, I stepped to the side and let him hit the wall. I grabbed his head and bashed it in the wall over and over. His face was deformed after I was done. "Great! Time to hide this mess." I carried the kid over my shoulder and turned the corpses of the thugs into my demon. "Ah...one of the best things about a Demon Lord." I said walking out of the alley with the kid over my shoulder.

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