It's Recruitment Day

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"Rise and shine Eckhardt!" Virian said taking the blankets off of me. "Its the big day! Your gonna finally become part of the Elites!" The Elites is a group of Royal Guards with the power almost like a King. They are presented with an element stone which chooses their wielder. My dad, the fire stone chose him to be its wielder. He has the ability to control fire or his weapon is imbued with the fire element. They can command a small army made up of 35 soldiers, whereas the king can command 1000 or more. Even without an army, the Elites can wipe out an entire army by themselves. "Gimme my blanket back..." I mumbled. "Get up." "Fine."

I got dressed and ate some breakfast then brushed my teeth. I went to my room to grab my weapons of choice: two katanas, a repeater crossbow, and an iron gauntlet enhanced with lightning. My armor was nothing special; just a leather armor with a cloak for design. "Ready?" my sister asked as I got downstairs. I nodded and we went outside to the stables. Ah..the wasn't much but the place is beautiful.

Everything was calm and peaceful as if you didn't have to worry about anything at all. Sadly, we do tend to get attack by intruders trying to invade the main city. Otherwise, it was pretty peaceful. "You say you like to move fast, yet you have all those weapons. Don'tcha think their gonna slow you down?" my sister asked. "They might, but due to very intense training, they probably won't," I replied.

"I see. I'm guessing your gonna join Dad's squad?"

"Hopefully. What about you? Aren't you already in the Zephyrs?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just exactly how fast did you become captain?" I asked slightly curious. My sister had a surprised look on her face. "H-how did you know I was captain?" she asked. "We've been siblings for 17 years. Knowing your superior personality and wits, pretty sure your a captain." I replied. "In three weeks," she said. "Jesus, what are you? "

We saw a sign that read: "You are leaving the Frielands. Continue if you wish." "So, I guess after this point, we get attacked by bandits, monsters, creepy old men, trees, slimes, and pedobear," I said. "Pretty much. You ready?" she asked. "Too late to go back now right? Besides, what's the worse that can happen?"

..................Deeper into the woods.............

"HO MAH GAAH!!" I screamed as I running away from a buff old man with four arms wearing a loincloth. "GIMME HUUUUUGGG!!" it yelled running towards me. "Reap what you sow," my sister said as she passed me on her horse. "Where's my horse?!" I asked her still running. "Probably at the kingdom by now!" she yelled back. I sighed. I decided to fight back instead of running. I started to slow down and waiting for him to catch up. When he did, I unsheathed my katana and turned around slicing him in half. "Por wwwwhhhhyy??? I justs wonted a hug...." it said.

I sheathed my katana back into its scabbard and activated my speed enhancement to catch up with my sister. After I exited the forest, my sister was there waiting with an unexpected guest. "Hi dad," I said waving. He smiled and walked over to me.

"Hey. So how was the forest?" he asked chuckling. "Um...if you enjoy a four armed old man chasing you down, then it was terrific. If not, it was scary," I said. He signaled me to follow him inside the kingdom. When we got inside, we were greeted with a bustling town. When we walked to the castle, many guards saluted my dad and went on with their way. "That's a lot of respect they have for you," I said. "Well, if they didn't, I'd probably have to discipline them about it!" he said cracking knuckles. That sent a chill down my spine.

Knowing my dad, his temper isn't something you should mess with. One guy was stupid enough to question him if he can really fight, since he doesn't go into the heat of the battle much. Never saw the guy ever since.

We kept walking towards the main attraction of the city, The Dome. Yeah, yeah, I know, not a very cool name for a place where the Elites are stationed at. There's only two Elites stationed here, my Dad and his best friend Edward. The rest are somewhere but the King usually keeps one near his kingdom.

When we reached The Dome, the main area was already filled with candidates for Elites. These guys were no joke. They looked so much older than me. These guys were ripped! My dad probably saw my facial expression and laughed. He patted me on the back and said: "Heh, don't judge a book by their cover. These guys are nothing. Just remember: for the bigger guys, use their momentum against them." I nodded in response, still a little nervous.

I sighed and sat down on a bench. So only four can be chosen, huh? I leaned forward, examining my competition. In the middle of the crowd I saw a girl about my age looking around frantically as if she lost something. The girl's side is on the other side, unless they're already putting us into teams. I shook my head and walked towards her. "Yo, aren't you supposed to be on the other side?" I asked. She jumped and turned around to face me. "I am...but I'm lost." she said flustered. I chuckled and told her the directions to get to the other side. "Thank you mister! And good luck!" she said waving good bye. "Oho, and who was that?" a familiar voice behind me asked. I

turned around and saw my best friend, Zelo. "She lost her way trying to get the girl's side and I simply gave her directions on how to get there," I said. "Oh." The announcer told the candidates to go outside to the arena where they will have us battle each other. "That's our cue," I said. "Yup, good luck man." Zelo said extending his arm for a fistbump which I returned. "Let's do this thing!"

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