Its Showtime

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As I was going back to my kingdom, the kid woke up and almost fell off the horse had I not caught him. "Thanks," he said looking down. "Don't mention it," I said. We rode in silence until we reached my kingdom. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped when he saw the kingdom. "Wow..." he said in awe still eyeing my humble abode. I smirked and said: "Yes, this is where I live and where your gonna be living until I find your family." His happy face turned upside down when I said family. I cocked any eyebrow waiting for an explanation. 

"I...They were killed," he said in a sad tone. I looked at the kid, studying him, trying to read what was going through his mind. Revenge. The look on his face said it all. He wanted to kill the ones responsible for doing so and avenge his mom and dad. I thought for a brief moment, thinking what I should do, but it was pretty obvious. 

"Okay, how bout this," I said grinning and kneeling so that I could get on eye level with him. "Starting from now on, I'm your family. Your older brother if you'd like. And I will train you to get stronger in order for you to avenge your parents, but be warned, vengeance is a very scary feeling. You might think your helping your parents, but in reality you might be doing the opposite if you let vengeance take over. Understood?" I asked smiling. His face brightened up and jumped in the air. "Yay! Understood...what do I call you?" he asked. "Hardt, or Nii-san," I said. "Kay!"

"Come on in. I'll show you around the lair," I said gesturing for him to follow. I opened the gate and showed him the garden first. It was beautiful. It was filled with flowerbeds, a stone path, cherry blossom trees, and a big strawberry tree in the middle of it all. "Oh, I never got your name," I told him. "Ken," he replied. "Heh, if you think this is impressive you should see the end of the tour. Come, its still not over." I said. I showed him the Grand Hall, the kitchen, dining room, training room, armory, library, bath, and the Throne Room where my Lieutenant sat doing paper work. 

She saw me and stood at attention. "Hey there Eta. Any reports?" I asked. Eta was young Lieutenant with black long silky hair, tall, crimson red eyes, and a perfect body. "The Northern region plans to attack Grandel Kingdom two weeks from now and they asked for help. Your answer, milord?" she asked. "Hmm.....Assign Hikari to them," I said. She nodded. She saw Ken hiding behind me and she smiled. "Who is she Nii-san?" he whispered. When I turned around, there Eta was looking down at Ken with a bright smile. "My name is Eta, and you are?" she asked while extending her arm out. "K-Ken..." he muttered. The look on Eta's face gave it all away. 

Underneath the tough, beautiful, strong surface, she had a soft and cute side. I smirked and let them have their conversation. I walked over to the my desk and saw a bunch of letters about help, storage, meetings, assassinations, and death threats. Majority of them were death threats of course. I sighed and sat down, looking over the papers that needed to be signed and sent back. As I was writing a reply, I glanced up and saw Ken trying to read it. "Done with your conversation already?" I asked leaning back in my chair. "Yeah, but if you have paperwork the tour can wait," he said.

"Pssh, you think I really want to reply to a bunch of Kingdoms that I haven't even heard of? Besides, this is your new home, so I want you to get familiar with it as fast as possible. I don't want you roaming around and exploring new places in my lair that I don't even know of."

"You still don't know every single room in your kingdom?" he asked raising an eyebrow.


Ken rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Well, let's get back to the tour then," he said. I showed him upstairs and where his room was. He had a balcony which gave a view of the garden, a king sized bed, a fireplace, a sword and axe stand, a stand up shower, a singing toilet, and a huge mirror. "This is one huge bedroom," he said as he looked around in awe. I brought him outside next showing him the training grounds with several activities like joust (with blunt bamboo lances so that they don't kill each other), ring toss, rock climbing, spell castings, and etc. "Oi!" I heard someone behind me yell. I turned around and saw Hiro with his sword drawn. 

Ever since I became the Demon King out of no where, he decided I would be his rival. Props to him for never giving up after 467 losses. I sighed. "Jeez man, do we have to fight right now? I'm kind of busy right now," I said shooing him off. "Scared to lose?" he taunted. I chuckled. "Damn, I think I may have knocked out a 30 brain cells. Sorry about that Hiro," I mocked. He snarled then charged at me with his sword. I quickly conjured my sword and blocked his strike. Following the block, I pushed him back and kicked his sides hard, knocking him to the ground. "Tsk tsk. See, I don't understand why you don't give up, but that's why your one of my generals," I said extending my hand out. "Hmph," he muttered. I smiled. "Good match."

"That was amazing!" Ken exclaimed. "You took him down in five or ten seconds." I chuckled. "Well someday, you too, will be able to do that, just not on Hiro," I said. After I showed Ken the rest of the games outside, I brought him back inside the kingdom. I brought him to the Armory where the swords, armors, and smithing happens, but the main attraction of the Armory is the Infamous Demon Armor worn by previous Demon Kings. 

The armor, however, has a unique ability to adapt the user's will, and fighting style. It gives out a different aura and color depending on your will or purpose. The armor seemed as if it was alive, eating you alive every time you wear it. I looked at Ken, looking at the armor in awe. "Hey, hey. What's that armor? It looks so cool!" he exclaimed. He put his face on the glass protecting the armor, and fogging it up. "Um..first, don't put your face too close," I said separating him from the armor. "And that would be the Infamous Demon Armor," I said. 

"Demon Armor? Then that means-" "Yes, I am the new demon king, but hear me out okay? This army, isn't as bad as people say they are. I mean sure in the past they slaughtered many villages, and wiped out kingdoms, but that's because each of those demon king used it for no good. They let the power get over them. They thought if they had more power, they could rule the world," 

I told Ken who surprisingly had a calm look on his face. "So...your gonna be the good King?" he asked. I nodded with a smile to reassure him. "So since you took me under your wing, I'm gonna be the next one to use that?" he asked with a sparkle in his eye. "That's right. As long as you don't let power overcome your senses and use it for good. Got it?" I said to him. "Yup!" "Good."

As I was showing him more of the Armory, a scout ran to me. "M'lord! The Kizutani Army is on its way here, but they have one of the Elites leading!" he exclaimed. "What?!" I said in shock. "They plan to make the first move," he said. "Damn! Which Elite?" I asked. "We haven't confirmed it yet, but I will be sure to tell you as soon as possible," he said. "Please do." He bowed and shadow traveled back to his post. "Gah!" I yelled out pounding my fist on the smithing table. "What's wrong?" Ken asked. 

"Ken, whatever you do, do NOT leave this place. Go to your room and stay there. I'll have some guards be with you," I told him. "Why?" he asked. "Just do it, please," I said. Without a word, he nodded then ran up to his room. I made my way to throne room and told Eta to prepare the army and send Hiro to guard Ken. "Understood my King," Eta said. "Shall I prepare for battle as well?" she asked. "Of course! You're the best fighters I have. Just don't die on me okay?" I said. 

Her face turned slight red for a second then went to prepare for battle. I thought about using the Armor, but I still don't think I'm ready. The past Demon Kings were consumed with power which caused them to spread Chaos. "Not yet, but soon I will overcome you," I said to the armor. I put on my enhanced leather armor with the black cloak. I walked outside and saw the army prepared for battle. "Still not gonna wear the armor?" Eta asked. I shook my head. "This will do just fine," I said. I conjured my twin swords, Naginax and Diciel. "I missed you guys," I told the blades. 

Naginax has the ability of fire and Diciel has lightning. I heard a familiar neigh behing me. "Senor Guapa! You ready buddy?" It neighed in response. "I'll take that as a yes," I said as I got in the saddle. I looked over at my army thinking of what to say. I sighed. "Look, in all honesty, I don't know what to say, but I know one thing;everyone standing before me is our family. We protect our family no matter what. Family members don't die on each other. 

If I see any of you die during this battle, I will bring you back to life and kill you myself and bring you back to life again. Is that clear?" I told them. That got a few laughs out of them. "I asked if I was clear!" I yelled. "YES MY KING!" they yelled out in response. "Good! Today, we will all come back alive!" In the distance, I could hear the war cries of the enemy. I grinned putting on my hood and mask. "Showtime."

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