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I woke up feeling a person next to me. " Who in the-" I look back to see a royal blue haired baby sleeping peacefully. " How did she get in here?" I mumbled before picking her up , making her wake up. She looked at me and smiled, making little baby noises and she opened and closed her little hands. "Ok, you're adorable." "bababa." "Want your bottle?" She laughed and smiled.

" I'm gonna take that as a yes." I stood up with her in my arms and went downstairs seeing winter panicking. "Where's Melilla!???" "calm down, she might be with one of the boys." Butters said calmly, rubbing winters back. " Umm, Winter I have her." He looks up and lets out a breath in relife. "Thank god." " Yeah, I woke up and she was next to me sleeping, I don't know how she got in there telling that she's a 1 month old baby." I walk downstairs and head to the kitchen, making a bottle and still carrying her.

"She does that alot, I don't know how she ends up leaving in the middle of the night, like one time she was over kai's and when i woke up the next day she was in her crib sleeping, and we only lived an hour away." " Has this happened in one of your families before?" " Yeah, it happened for me a lot, like when i don't want to be at a place, manly church and think of somewhere else, i always end up there, I don't know how or why i do it, I just do, and when i ask my parent about it they say i don't know what im talking about." " Hm, have you ever asked your grandparents about it?" "Never got the chance to, I only see them once a month." "Have you seen them anytime this month?" "No, it's usually a family thing." "Well, do you want to see them?" "I do, I mean seeing them once a month is stupid and hurtful.' "You know where they live?" " They live in Atlanta, they went there for a trip and that trip ended up being their happy place." " Then lets go, I mean kenny did say something about going to Atlanta before so i saw we should go." "I agree with you, that way your grandparents know they have great-grandkids." Butters took melilla away from me as he spoke, feeding her her bottle.

" but i don't want to be a bother on it i mean, kai haven't even met them." "First time for everything." Kai says as he walks downstairs, Kenny following behind. "If i had to guess, you got him up cause kai sleeps from 1am to 9pm and it's only 7am." " someone had to do it." "Thanks for saving me the trouble." " No problem." Kenny sat down next to butters, laying his head on Butter's shoulder.

" I don't know, we're gonna have to pay for tickets and-" "I got the tickets, so don't worry about it." I handed Kenny his coffee and let him fix the rest before sitting down. " Morning guys." Kyle finally comes downstairs, sitting next to me. " ok, ok, ok, fine, we can go see them." "Why not stay for a week? We can literally make it a trip." "Yeah." "Ok, what are we talking about?" "Winter wants to go see his grandparents in Atlanta so we're planning on going." "Oh, then yeah make it a week." " Ok, then, me and Kenny will look for an ab & b big enough for all of us."Butters said, taking out his phone. " Ok, i'm gonna go get something to eat, want anything?" "Where are you going? " The muffin cafe." " banana muffin." "Me and Kenny want a strawberry and a cherry muffin." " Blueberry for winter, butterscotch and white chocolate for me." "Got it."

I grabbed the keys and went out to the car, got in the driver's seat and hooked my phone up to the bluetooth, playing Escapism by RAYE and drove to the cafe while singing every word to the song. Once I made it to the cafe I got out and walked in going to the counter. "Hello, what can I get you today sweetie?" "Can I get one banana muffin, a strawberry and a cherry muffin and a blueberry one?" " Ok is that all? " "For one order." "Ok, and the other one?" "One butterscotch and white chocolate muffin and one coffee cake muffin and a chocolate one please." " Ok, and these orders are for?" "Tweek tweak." "Got it, your orders will be here soon sweet pea." I sat down at a table close to a window and looked through tiktok, seeing if there's anything interesting there when I saw Craig walk into the cafe with a boy with light brown hair in his arms. I pulled my hoodie up on my head and watched them as they shared a kiss. I felt my heart fucking break just like that.

I called Jay who answered instantly. " Did you talk to craig?" "Yeah, I did." "What did he say?" "He told me that he found someone better which made me snap at him." Better than me? Seriously? Thats a fucking joke right there. "Ok, talk to you later, bye hun!" "Bye love." I hung up and took my hood off, putting my hair in a ponytail and surprisingly I didn't have my earrings WIcH WAS A PROBLEM! I never actually leave without them but I was lucky enough to have them so I put in my diamond flower shaped earrings and right when I got done my name was called "Order for Tweek Tweak!" I got up, put my phone in my bag and went to the counter to get my bags. "Thanks dear, see you again later!" I waved at the lady who waved back and passed by Craig and that boy, only to be stopped.

"tweek?" I look at craig. " oh, Hi." " Why are you here?" "Getting food for me and my friends, why?" " oh, so your tweek, nice to meet you." The boy said with a smile. "Nice to meet you too, what's your name sweetie?" " Aiden, craigs boyfriend of 8 months." " 8 months huh? Well congrats, If you ever need to talk i'm here, i know how craig is." He laughed, " Will definitely remember, in fact here." He wrote on a piece of paper. "Here my number, I would love to hang out sometime."

 "I'll see when I have time." " Great, oh excuse me, I have to use the restroom, I'll be back." "ok hun." He left and I looked at Craig and waited until Aiden left completely. " So you was gonna tell me that you had a boyfriend of 8 months before you almost fucked me at that party or no?" " Tweek-" "No no, answer the question." "No." " Oh so you wanted to hurt him cause anything and everything can get leaked out craig you know this." " Let me explain first." "Talk." " That day was a once in a lifetime thing, We both agreed to break up for a day cause i knew i was gonna see you at that party, he went also and found his ex and unlike us, they went all the way. I wasn't cheating on him." that was almost the dumbest idea i have ever even heard, breaking up for a day to sleep with your ex? Dumb as hell. " hmm, dumbest idea ever, but listen carefully craig, Do not ever call me, text me or any fucking thing. You do not know how much you affect me do you? Cause you do every fucking bad. So for me not to catch feelings for you again, stay the fuck away and don't hurt aiden like you did me, bye." "Tweek." I walked off as he still called my name which I ignored of course and went back home.


"Woah, what's wrong?" Kenny asked me right when I walked through the door, going to the kitchen where everyone was. " Saw Craig and his boyfriend of 8 months." all of them looked at me in pure shock. "Hold up, didn't he try to fuck you at the party?" "Yeah, so like they broke up for a fucking day just to sleep with their ex. " "That is the dumbest shit I have ever heard." Kyle took one bag from me because I had way too much in my hand and gave everyone their muffins, giving me my two. " What's his boyfriend's name?" Aiden."

Kai quickly looked up from playing with melilla "Did he have light brown hair?" " Yeah, you know him?" "Thats my fucking twin." "Wait, you mean Aiden as your family's cheater?" Winter asked kai who shook his head, "Hold up, family cheater?" "Yeah, he was always proud of how badly he hurted two people at once. It's kinda surprising, how did he act?" "Nice, I told him if he ever wanted to talk he could talk to me and he gave me his number." " Oh that's not normal." "How so?" "He gets jealous easily, and you being craigs ex, i'm surprised he gave you his damn number." " Huh, i must be special."

" I know you told craig something, so what did you say?" " Oh, I told him to not text me or anything." " Bad bitch." "I know right." " Well, I'm going to my room to cool down, we got anything to do today though?" "Nah, just chilling in our rooms for now, but we are having a family movie night, so bring your ass down." "Family?" "Did I stutter?"

I only smiled at that, hearing butters call us a family was meaningful, thoughtful, and most importantly honesty. Even though we met winter and his family a day ago it feels like we've known them for years. This was a group that cared for each other, a group that fights but makes up a minute after, a group that likes to do jokes on eachother, a group that will beat a bitches ass for each other, so in other words this was my family and nothing will and could ever change that.

A/N: Longest chapter yet!! God I'm tired of writing but love it. Anyways chapter 9 and probably 10 will be here by tomorrow!! So I hope u guys enjoyed this chapter. Love ya pumkins❤✨ P.S: Craigs is being a bitch😁 

Word count:1762

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