•𝓐 𝓝𝓸𝓽 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻•

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I'm surprised that you guys are still here but anyways! I'm gonna do ANOTHER crossover, but only because of winter and tweek! In fact I'm actually gonna tell you a little about winter cause he's actually a very important character in this book!

So Winter's backstory is true, but that wasn't most of it. Winter was apart of a mafia (Clue #1) He was one of the executives, he actually was in the top 3 of his group and was good at what he did. Now He did have an ability ( Clue #2). His ability is called Ice before Winter. He was able to control any and everything that can be frozen, so in conclusion, he was bringing non-existent animals back to life for the fun of it. He was also one of the smartest people in the whole city, his IQ Up to 189 making him the 2nd most smartest out of the group.

He was with a partner. His partner was also an executive and was one of the longest people their considering that his age was only 22 years old.( clue # 3). They got along real well and even became really close friends. Spilling things about their personal life and even having sleepovers just talking about mess and drinking wine all night ( clue #4). NOW how winter got the ability to become pregnant was because he got hit WITH an ability, while he was unconscious, a permanent ability at that. He was on an undercover mission and something broke out, well mostly cause his partner and his partner's lover kept fightling like cats and fucking dogs all night long.(extra clue)

But he wasn't the only one who got hit with the ability, his partner did too and another person, and they also have a child, a baby boy named Aiko D. (clue # 5, only if you get it tho.) and the other is a baby girl named Paris.

Winter and his former partner are still in touch with each other after winter moved from japan to go to LA. ( Where I moved sp) where he met Kai, who is STill in a mafia, more likely still is the mafia boss. ( Hehe😋) Now even though Winter moved to get away from his old job, He eventually joined this one, and that's where he fell in love with kai ( MIGHT make a story on that!).

He does keep his personal life away from his mafia life to keep away from chaos and confusion, and is still trying to be the best mother to his child (Which he is doing a great job at being). He does go on little best friend dates with his former partner (Which you'll see soon) and even visits on some days before he met with tweek and them. Winter doesn't lie at all, he can't actually. So when he said he "Doesn't know how he was able to get pregnant " He wasn't lying since he was hit while he was unconscious.

This little thing is a real big deal in the story cause WE GOT SOME LIERS. And since he one. Can't lie and two. His friends trust him so anything any little liar says is automatically caught when winter IS ALSO a hacker. From his past job of course so winter has blackmail on literally everyone at this point. Now that we know A little something about winter I hope you guys figured out what anime I'm doing this crossover for! Bye Pumpkins hope you have a great day/night!♥ P.S: it's a staying crossover!

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