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" TWEEK GET DOWN HERE!!" Butters yelled downstairs as they got the movie night set up. I went downstairs, taking one of my cheesecakes down with me as I saw everyone with one of theirs and them cuddling up next to each other, melilla right where I was supposed to sit. I picked her up and sat down, setting her in my lap. "She really likes you." winter says with a smile.

" I guess so." "She was like this to a close friend of mine too." "She was?" "Yeah, she was always happy to see him, just as his son was with me." "Your friend can have kids too?" "Yeah, he can. Still don't know how though." "Hmm, that's actually cool." " Yeah kinda." "So you still talk to this friend of yours?" "Yeah, just not like I used to though." " Why is that?" "well because-" "IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKEN BABY FLOTING!??" Kyle yelled that a baby that looked at the age of 3 months was floating at the window. "Open the window! It's too hot out there for a baby"

winter said quickly and Kyle opened the window only for the baby to float right to me. I took in his features, his hair was a dark orange with dark blue eyes. He was really pretty and had the most beautifulest smile on his face. "Babababa" He said happily as I held him and melilla. "Wait..kai open your phone." Winter says and kai does it only for a yellowish glow to show and ANOTHER baby shows up, going right to me. She had a purplish brown hair in a little ponytail and her eyes closed but when she was up she smiled at me and sat in my lap along with melilla.

" Ok..why are there 2 more kids on tweek?" Butters asked clearly in shock " Ok, no how the hell did one float and the other literally came out of a phone?" I looked at the baby again, she looked similar to a friend i used to know, like when i was 6 when my family had stayed in japan for some time. She opened her eyes and I knew my guess was right, she had one emerald green eye and another a grayish violet color. I was lucky that I still remembered that my friend has always said that if he ever had a child he would want to name it paris. " Paris?" I said and she smiled at me. "How do you know her name?" Kenny asked me while getting three bottles for the babies " I had a friend who she looks exactly like, he always wanted to name his child paris."

 " And does that friend have a name?" "Ranpo." Winter eyes widen "As in the greatest detective in the world?" "Yeah." "Omg, How do you even know him?" " I went to japan when i was 6, i met him at a park, you know him too?" "Yes! That's his and Poe's daughter!" " Wait poe? As in his rival?" "Yep! That's the one!" "Ok, so do you know who the other child belongs to, tweek?" "I actually don't kyle, but he kinda looks like a suicidal dumbass i used to know when my family went to japan again when I was 10." "Oh that's when you said your family was going on a trip right?" "Yeah." " You know his name?" "Hold up suicidal? Do you mean Dazai? " "'You know him winter?" "Yeah, I used to work with him." "Where?" "In the pm, along with chuuya-WAIT OMG! "

 "What?" "I KNEW IT." "WHAT??" Everyone yelled as winter calmed down from his excitement. " That's their son, Aiko, the one I was talking to you about!" Wait really?" "Yep! But how did they get here? And most importantly why are they clinging to you? I mean melilla is understandable but they haven't even met you so how are they clinging to you like that?" "That's actually what i'm trying to figure out" I looked closely at paris and then looked at her necklace, It was a little diamond 't' on it, then i looked at Aiko's earrings and saw that they were little gold 't's And then it clicked. "Oh these little mother fuckers " everyone looked at me in confusion as i set the babies next to me only fro them to crawl right back into my lap. " Ok, what the fuck is going on?"

Butters was on the verge of passing out because of all this mess and looked back at him and smiled, " Aiko and Pairs are my god kids." Everybody, including winter, looked at me like I just said I was pregnant with triplets. " HOW!?" WInter yelled " Well, i don't know WHY, But they have the first letter of my name, see, there's a T on her necklace and his earrings are also T's, There trackers for a god parent, since they are ability users at such a young age they have to have something for them to meet a very important person or person's. So with the first letter of my name they instantly gonna come to me if something happens."

I look at kyle. "Remember those hair clips I wore when we went to the mall?" "Yeah." "I got those from dazai and ranpo. I then noticed that they are also trackers for their kids to come to me if anything happens." "That's...actually kinda understandable." " Yeah, but that doesn't explain why they showed up." " Hold on, what's today?" Winter asked not bothered to check his phone " " May, 25th, why?" "tweek you know anyone named nikolai and atsushi or akutagawa?" " Nikolai, I do know. He was at a fair I went to and we talked for a few years. I don't know anyone named atsushi and akutagawa? I do, but I call him ryu. "

 "Then don't be shocked if more kids show u-" And just as he was gonna say up, a whole ass portal opened up and two more fucking kids popped out, landing right on me,luckyly they both were sleep and i then noticed that on one there was a t on her hairclip and t on the others ankle bracelet. I almost wanted to cry, why did I meet these people!? " oh my fucking god.." " they must trust you if they made you their kids god parent." "Yeah, But why ALL of them!?" " Im kinda surpris-" And AGAIN another portal opened and this time an ACTUAL child came out. " Q?" " Hi!" " Why are you- never mind." Winter looked at me, " Q is Nikolai's son." "You GOTTA be kidding me!"

" godpapa!" He ran to hug me even though I have like 5 babies already. " Ok, I need names for the other two." "Oh! The one with the full white hair is my sister Nila and the other with black hair with the white tips is Alya!" I sighed " I need a drink." " I gotcha." Kenny fixed us something to drink, giving Q apple juice. " Q, why did they come to me? What happened?" "Oh they went on a date!" " A quadrupole date?" "Yep!" "For how long?" Winter asked " 2 weeks! " "Who the hell is on a date for 2 whole weeks?"Kyle said going for another drink ."When Q says dates, he means trips and when he says trips he means dates, that's how he is." "Ok so how did you get here?" He showed me his arm that had a bracelet on it and a 't' "Should've known." " ok, well now we have 6 kids here."

" We can still do movie night, Q has already seen and heard more then he needs to, his parents are literally nikolai and fyodor not to minted that dazai and chuuya traumatize almost everyone and he's in the mafia so i'm pretty sure any movie would be ok with him. "You know what I'm not even gonna ask." I set the sleeping babies next to me and let Q sit next to me, cuddling up as butters put on a movie. I gave him some of my cheesecake which he really liked and that was the rest of my night. After the movie I gave melilla back to her parents and took the other five to my room, putting them all to bed. Luckily my bed was big enough for all of us. And if i'm being honest, i'm happy i get to spend time with them. They might even get my mind off of that certain person. "Night godpapa.." Q says sleepily. "Night hun."

A/N: HEY HEY HEY! So you guessed the crossover correctly? It's BSD!!!. Ok i wanted to do this cause it was actually gonna be used against a lot of things in this book. This is a crossover that will be seen a lot in this book! Also, I know I said only three people, but Nikolai and atsushi got hit with the same ability just at a different timeline! And they all are connected to tweek because of dazai, nikolai, ryu, and ranpo.! Anyways that's it for this chapter! Bye pumpkins have a wonderful night/day!😋🖤

Word count:1545

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