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It's raining outside, God above is thundering, angels are crying and seokmin is trying his best to run to his omega soonyoung and his baby alpha chan who is sick, seokmin was out for medicine but he couldn't find doctor,they didn't know what happened to their son but he is sick. He is having very high fever, vomiting and lack of breath,he can't breathe,he is just a hunter for kingdom while his omega stay at home especially after giving birth to their seventh child ,the only alive child of theirs. He can't loose this one too, soonyoung will be devastated.

" Help! Help!" An omega ran into seokmin's arm as seokmin held him instinctively, omega had his clothes torn the way one can he was being forced,his eyes are red as he looked up at seokmin and murmured " please help me! " He clinges to me when I tried to push him from my hold slightly, still I forced him to stand behind me as he fisted my clothes from back. " Give that omega to me." One of alpha said out of five alpha, they are five in total hunting on single, fragile omega who did nothing to them. " No." I wrapped my arms around other omega, I want this to end , soonyoung will be crying, worried. He can't live without Chan.

" He is no one to you....give him to me and we let you go." One of them said as the took out knife out of his shoes and pointed at me,I am not scared of knifes,I am hunter and ex solider of Kingdom,I have been commander in army only if our fourth child didn't have died after one year of birth and soonyoung didn't tried to kill himself,I will never have left border but for me soonyoung is much important than protecting country. I am happy with hunting, farming, having five-six cows, turkey, chicken etc. They fill out stomach and chan loves to ride horse in dawn with me. 

"He is my omega." I roared showing I am protecting for me,I tried to do it like how I would do for soonyoung but it's different then that but not fake. Omega looked at me and clutches my clothes more tightly as he shivered. " Just share him with us for night." One of them said as other laugh as if omega are object, video game which you can share for day,how disgusting they are.

" No!" I thundered with the thunder up in the sky as omega hugged me from back,he is scared of thunder and lightning. Poor omega. One of alpha attack me with knife as I held his wrist and twisted it until it break and then kicked in his stomach two-three times,while other alpha tried to pull omega away from me but he held me tightly from back,he kicked him he is brave omega not submitting easily I know it in my heart. He held me as the alpha who attacked me landed on land,other alpha punched me on face and I held his throat squeezing it,while other alpha tried to kick me on stomach but omega in my back kicked him in his balls and held me tightly again,he is brave but stronger enough. 

The alpha I held with throat passed out and I pushed him on ground, running away as two Alpha is crying on floor holding their balls ,two is fainted and one is trying to figure out what to do. I took the chance and ran away with omega in danger,he didn't ask me much and ran with me , keep pace with me. " Thank you so much!" He said once I started to walk as my home came in view. 

" My son is sick and my omega might be so worried in home. If you want to come you can but I can't promise you any hospitality,not for today." I said as I know I can't even offer him food if he is hungry because soonyoung hadn't cooked anything when I was out to find doctor. I also know soonyoung is going to punch me with his those soft hands for coming home without doctor.

" What happened to your son?" Omega asked as he stopped in middle, looking around as for something " I am boo seungkwan. Not doctor but I had helped my brother-in-law alot during his treatment and I was in incharge of making medicine from herbs." He said with assurance,when he is not scared his voice hold authority,his voice is confident yet so soft that I feel like melting.

" Do you have bluebellvine in here?" He asked as he bent down and look for plant,he picked up some creep up from ground and plucked some blue flowers which I thought is wild plant and always keep chan away from it . I hear scream of soonyoung as I ran inside and seungkwan followed me with blue flower and it's leaves. " Chanie wake up! My baby wake up. I can't live without you." Soonyoung cried as he hugged chan to his chest trying to wake him up. 

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