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" don't tell me you are again sucking cock of that senior this time." Seungcheol made fun of Joshua in their group as Joshua shaked his head while he munched on his food looking at jeonghan winking at him from behind of seungcheol. Jeonghan and he was dating for years and everyone always get confused with who is the both does something at a time like a top . For example jeonghan had carried Joshua to nurse room when he had fainted while running but once Joshua gifted jeonghan a rose of  bouquet,rose which he picked up himself. While jeonghan kiss, flirt and drag Joshua with him every moment he get. Joshua gift jeonghan every day almost everyday and get jealous like a top whenever someone cross path with his boyfriend considering he is bisexual and warn them to stay away from his jeonghan.

Jeonghan used to flirt with boys and girls just for fun until Hong jisoo aka Joshua came to study here and jeonghan stopped studying. Jeonghan is the one to approach and to do courting for Joshua but still. " Of course not. I am top and he is bottom." Joshua laughed searching for jeonghan who disappeared the moment Joshua went to take another bite of his noodles. Seungcheol has his eyes on back of Joshua rather than on Joshua. " Is jihoon is sta-" Joshua turned to see his boyfriend standing behind him with hands crossed on his chest and raised eyebrows.

" Are you vampire? Once you are there and now here." Joshua laughed nervously, licked his lips knowing jeonghan would definitely gonna kiss him before saying anything. Jeonghan cupped Joshua's face and leaned down,he kissed his boyfriend, sucking on the lower lip ,he bit on lip before speaking " of course I am vampire just a reason is little different than you point out." Jeonghan smirked. He caressed the side of Joshua's neck where the love bite was. 

 Joshua bit his lower lip, everyone is watching them they are the 'it couple of University.' jeonghan sat beside Joshua his hands on his thighs going up and up while Joshua tried to eat his rest noodles. " Since when I am bottom?" Jeonghan whispered in the ear of Joshua,it tickle Joshua.  " Can we talk about it later please?" Joshua plead.

Jeonghan nodded while his hands roamed in the inner side of Joshua's thighs as if it's his property and wasn't affecting Joshua at all but it's not true. Joshua is mess down there,he can't even eat properly,he still has two class left to attend even though jeonghan is going home just after this. He loves Mrs Kim's class that lady teach so properly that even the worst subject becomes intresting enough to study. Studying about genetic disorders is really hard to understand if it's about mental conditions.  He put his own hand on jeonghan's hand looking at him with pleading eyes. 

" Cheol,how is your boyfriend and his dancer friend?" Jeonghan said smirk plastered on his face, seungcheol looked little annoyed but composed ,he sipped orange juice and look at couple sitting infront of them. " He is good and he got hired to compose music in hybe so yeah." Seungcheol said again going on drinking his juice. Jihoon and him always have been together, forever so close that if they tell someone they know eachother from past lives people would believe them,but soonyoung the obsessed lover of jihoon is problem in their story and seungcheol doesn't know how to solve it.

" I heard soonie got job as choreography in some company too." Jeonghan said,he is menace he loves teasing seungcheol but all he want is that his friend would confess to jihoon so soonyoung won't steal him. " I didn't know about it. Leave that Han." Seungcheol said standing up and taking his tray with him. He went away in anger and Joshua wants to stop him but he let it go.

Jeonghan take the empty bowl of Joshua, stand up to go where dirty utensil should be while Joshua followed him. They put it where it should be and washed hands. Jeonghan loves teasing Joshua and knowing Joshua would wash his hands five times until he actually feels clean,he stand behind him with his hands squeezing his ass. " Hannie....stop." Joshua moaned.

" Then come home with me today." Jeonghan kissed the nape of Joshua,he had trapped Joshua from behind between him and basin counter. They were busy in their own romance when someone took their photos,they didn't get to know about. They are famous couple in campus and have lots of fanpage for them. Couple goals.

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