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" so you will marry me?" Junhui whispered in minghao's ear just before he licked it and minghao moaned clutching on the shoulder of junhui,chan side eyed them,he was standing near the wall while minghao has his back on wall and junhui has half trapped minghao,not wanting to get kicked by four years old alpha. Chan loves him but not around his brother. " Why don't you tell him I am allowed to touch you however I want because we are getting married?" Junhui said as he picked up chan. Minghao signed to chan but he doesn't understand anything. So minghao pecked junhui's cheeks and showed thumbs up as he made smile putting his fingers around his lips. 

Chan kissed junhui too and depicted what his brother did earlier, junhui giggled as minghao just kissed Chan " so when do you want to get married?" Minghao wrapped his hands around Junhui and walked with him on the edges of river. River bridge caressed thier face, minghao's hair flew in air,he has little long hair and junhui has a urge to tuck them behind but minghao enjoyed the blew of air. An alpha ran to them and get in on thier knees " we are so sorry.... please tell boss to keep us again." Alpha begged , minghao looked at junhui but alpha just shrugged his shoulders.

" It's okay just don't do it to other omega. I will talk to uncle." Minghao said before walking away with his alpha. He loved walking near the river bridge. He sat on ground as junhui followed him and chan ran near them , going from here to there. Minghao is fascinated to know despite of being youngest in family of his in- laws ,he will be superior then everyone in relation because his alpha is oldest. " So does I have to attend meetings with you or something? I hadn't even completed highschool. My step omega dad doesn't let me." He said putting his head on junhui's shoulder,he wrapped his hands around his face as junhui looked at him.

" Sometimes you have to come with me in business party as my omega but if you doesn't then it will be fine." Junhui said noting that he need to teach a lesson to minghao's steps. Minghao humed a song as junhui kept eyes on his four years old brother-in-law, who slaps him,kick him everytime he saw him touching his brother. 

"We will get him to doctor and then he will be able to hear." Junhui said making minghao smile. He spread his body and put his head in alpha's lap taking sun bath." How you all get privacy when you all live together?" Minghao asked as he sit up to understand his alpha's more properly." It's like instead of mansion....we live in kind of building of so many floors. Each floor have pool, club,games and whatever you need. I don't know much about it. We have golf club too on nineteen floor. And how do we live .... it's kinda like I live on fifth floor mingyu live on seventh floor but kitchen is in first floor and we all eat together no matter what." Junhui explained ,he tucked minghao's hair back when chan came running " Hui." Chan said his first word in four years of his life. 

" He can speak..my brother can speak." Minghao said jumping on junhui as chan was behind him, swinging on his shoulders, minghao is on his knees between junhui's leg as he kissed chan on forehead. " We need to get him check up done. Let's go." Junhui said standing up to go to doctor, minghao held his hand pulled him. Junhui landed on top of minghao and no one knows what chan was thinking at that moment as he jumped on Junhui, hugging the alpha from behind. Sudden jump of chan made junhui hands give up as his and minghao's chest collided together. 

They have never been this close before that only for the moment when they kissed this morning infront of everyone, they are silent couple so silent that they feel like old married couples already to others. Minghao turned his face sideways as junhui's length poke his belly and breathe brushed on his lips " stand up Junhui you are heavy." Minghao said as he tired to push jun away from his body. Junhui sit up as he held chan behind and then bring him infront,he booped his nose and let him go to play. 

" You are so heavy." Minghao said as he sat up too looking at river, junhui leaned into him and licked his ear " have planned to be on you for forever change in plan now you will be on me and I will be in you." Junhui said as minghao stayed there thinking what his alpha had said." What does that mean ?" Minghao scrunched his nose and poured at his alpha,he felt like pick me up but his alpha had already picked him up. In real his alpha had already picked him up in bridal carry as junhui ran to chan , taking the kid with him. He spinned them around in air. They giggled. 

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