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 Jisoo is standing near the his mom ,hands in hand as he sobbed,the beep beep of his mother's heartbeat seems ringing in his ears when a man entered in room where his mother is dying, he was same age as his mother and other man followed him inside the room looking so disinterested in everything that is happening as if jisoo's mother wasn't actually dying,he sat on couch as he stare at crying jisoo,who bowed at them. 

Jisoo's mother tried to sit up as soon as she saw the man " seojoon," she said as he held her hand in his just like jisoo had been doing for days and now too with other hand. " My time has come .....take care of my shua. Promise me." Jisoo's mother said as her heartbeat dropped suddenly,she is dying after taking care of her son for twenty years ,she is dying with the weight of leaving her son behind with no one to care but her friend choi seojoon. 

She signalled jisoo as he lower down to listen to his mom " always be my good boy okay and listen to  seungcheol hyung." She said as Joshua nodded at her " I will mom promise on you." He sobbed,wiped his nose with edge of his yellow hoodie's hand. His mom chuckled at her son ,she wanted to adore him one last time as much as she can. She kissed him on cheeks,on nose, on forehead she kissed him as if she would never but in real she can never kiss her son again. She booped his nose as he chuckle between his sobs. She did one mistake of his life 

The boy playing video game in corner of room looked up to see who chuckled so cutely only to end up to see the most irritating person of world was chuckling so cutely. He ignored everything again and played on his game. " I promise I will take care of your son just like my own son." Seojoon said as he heard boy playing games in distant snort. She died without knowing what's in Joshua's fate. 

" Mom! Mom! Wake up mom....I promise I will eat whatever medicine you give me just wake up mom." Joshua cried hugging his mom's chest as he shaked her body harshly but she just stayed like this. Nurses, doctors, seojoon everyone tried to separate jisoo from his mother but they couldn't. Seungcheol walked to where Joshua is hugging his mother and put his hand on jisoo as he yanked it. " Jisoo leave your mom and stand up." He said as jisoo turn to see him and as soon he know it's seungcheol who said him to do something,he is fast to obey him. 

He stand infront of seungcheol as he sobbed in his hands looking at seungcheol through crack in his fingers,staffs wrapped his mother's body in plastic as they have to do her funeral. " He listened to you....take care of him and get him ready for funeral." Seojoon said to his son as seungcheol just rolled his eyes,he thumped his foot held jisoo's hand tightly and walked out of hospital to his car as his dad went to prepare for funeral of jisoo's mother.

"Hyung it's hurting....can you you leave my hand?" Jisoo said his voice as soft as honey, even though he is hurting,he didn't said anything to seungcheol, he loves seungcheol so much ,he loves to play with teenager when he was kid but after jisoo turned twelve seungcheol stopped visiting and even if he do,he wouldn't play with jisoo,he wouldn't even talk and jisoo doesn't know why he thought it might be because he has autism. Seungcheol fold his hands on back and pinned him to the car with so much agression. Jisoo whined ,his shoulders and arms hurt because of his hand being folded behind,he sobbed.

 He can't help he is sensitive his mom loved him always she never ever scolded him. She loved him but she is no more to protect him, provide him. She is dead Joshua cried more as he remembered his mom. " Don't try to play victim card infront of me and even if I do something that hurts you don't tell me. Fucking let me do it." Seungcheol said as Joshua sobbed more because his hands hurt alot,he doesn't understand what seungcheol is telling him but he got few things and that is never tell hyung if something hurting but,what if my head hurts,he thought.

"Okay hyung." Joshua said as seungcheol pushed him inside the car after he opened the car,he tighten his belt and when seungcheol looked into jisoo's red eyes,he loved his eyes all over again. Seungcheol drove car to his apartment where he lived alone and will. He will tell Joshua to live with his dad instead of him. He don't want a childish twenty years old boy to be around him,he is trying to impress jeonghan and Joshua roaming with him would make that hard and that bastard mingyu is enough to make it hard. How does jeonghan love that cheater at all ? Seungcheol can't stop but think about jeonghan,his thoughts were interrupted by Joshua sobbing hardly.

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