Yandere Boyfriend (SUNSUN) (I)🔥

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sunoo pov:
my heart was pounding, my body ached, sticks and stones tearing away at the flesh of my feet, but i kept running threw the dark woods of tree's, i could here him chasing me, calling out my name.


that's a warning, i could stop now and go back to him, he might forgive me and not punish me harshly, but my body, my morals, the taste of freedom on the tip of my tongue wouldn't let me.

my eyes teared up as i thought about the old times, when he wasn't crazy, so obsessed, not a murderer, when he loved me, didn't hurt me, protected me.

sunghoon isn't the man i used to love, he's a fucking monster.

lost in thought i accidentally crashed into a tree, tumbling down onto the harsh scratchy leaf filled ground.

i held back my scream, scared that if i did he'd find me.

looking down i realised that my once bandaged up legs were exposed, the scratched, bites, cuts and burns were all on display.

i wanted to puke, but instead i dragged my body up off the ground and kept running, i couldn't hear him following anymore.


m-maybe he's given up!

tears of joy started to flow, a pained smile stretching onto my lips, hope became so clear when i finally spotted a road.

yes, im free.

stopping i looked to my right and left, the road was empty, shit, i hope there will be a car soon, im in so much pain, im hungry, thirsty, tired.

my body then went limp as a i fell onto my knees.

"maybe a little rest wouldnt hurt..." i muttered to myself as i let myself drift of on the cold floor.

When i woke up i saw a distant light, A CAR!

i jumped up and started waving my arms in all directions to get their attention, i dont know how long i've been sleeping, but the sun was going to rise soon.

then the car began to slow down, "thank you" tears started running down my already stain filled face when the car stopped in front of me.

the the car door opened.

and there stepped out sunghoon.

he was frowning, his eye's were full of pure evil.


"no...no...no...NO...NO...NO!" i turned to run but he grabbed me by the back of my hair and dragged me against the floor to the car.

"why sunoo, why do you have to go fuck everything up" i heard his say as he threw me into the back car seat.

i couldn't move, to frighted in the moment.

oh how did i end up...

with a yandere boyfriend.


more yandere?

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