Forbidden blood (SUNSUN) pt1 ✨

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No one's pov:
"1, 2, 3, 4, 1,2 KICK YOUR LEG!"

"1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, HIGHER!"

"1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, SPLIT!"

Sunoo chanted over the music as he evaluated all the tryouts. He was getting stressed, as the head captain, he he had judge all the auditioners, make his final cuts by tonight, cut them tomorrow, deal with the sadness of cutting any teammates from last years squad while also comforting the rookies who didn't make it, then he had to teach the 15 different routines to them over the next 3 months, make sure they have down the thunder routine in time for the first game of the season which was in two weeks, while also cutting anyone who wasn't up to speed!

It was a lot of stress!

This was his 5th and last year of captaincy as the captain and centre of the cheerleading squad for the Korean football team, which take in mind, all the football players where vampires and it wasn't easy work at all.

"FUCK IT! Number 45 you keep messing up the kick line! Number 03 your foot is as stiff as Number 67's back! AND NUMBER 11, FOR PETE'S SAKE WOULD YOU TRY LANDING ON YOUR RIGHT FOOT INSTEAD OF YOUR ASS!"

Sunoo finally snapped, all 70 trainees going dead silent, afraid that if they moved ab inch or breathed to loudly, they'd get cut instantly.

The team could only have 36 members, two extra members as alternates incase of an injury, so only 38 would pass.

Contestants 45, 03, 67 and 11 already knew that they wouldn't make it after sunoo's outburst, tears ready to spill from their eyes, but they held it in.

Seeing this, sunoo took a deep breath, placing his clipboard down as he looked at all of them, everyone's back straightening up. Even his friends that had been on the squad since his first year knew that their spot wasn't guaranteed, sunoo wouldn't hesitate to drop anyone, even his best friend jungwon could get dropped.

Sunoo needed the best of the best.

"Ok...that's it for tonight guys, come tomorrow for resul-" but sunoo was suddenly cut of when the doors of their practice room opened , in entering three footballers who smirked as they saw the cheerleaders revealing practice uniform.

"Why are you here?" Sunoo glared at the three, walking past the blushing and giggling trainees to the buff vampires who looked like they had just finished their practice and showered before coming here, all three of them had damp hair but wore regular clothing, form fitting clothing that hugged their bodies and showed of their physique.

Park sunghoon, their teams best player smiled mockingly at me, showing off his fangs a bit, "ok sunoo, calm down" he lifted both his hands up, I glared even harder when both his friends started to giggle.

"Why are you here sunghoon" I said more harshly, he grunted, looking me up and down a bit before looking back at me, "well, me and my boys wanted to take you pretty humans out for to a barbecue tonight, you know, since your gonna cut almost half of them tomorrow~" he said. Eyes wavering over to the 70 behind me.

"Tsk, no way" I said crossing my arms, in which I heard groans and whining behind me, but I ignored them, no matter how upset that are that they won't get to hang out with these blood sucking hotties, I couldn't risk it.

You see, in this society, it is strictly forbidden and illegal that humans and vampires ever reproduce together. 75 years ago when vampires were finally accepted into society, humans x vampires inbreeding became a problem, because those kids where becoming a threat to others around them, 15 years after vampires were accepted, their teenage kids would prey on human kids at school and get away with it just because of their human DNA.

It was a dangerous time, so 30 years ago a law was passed that vampires and humans could be together and marry, but could never have children, even same sex relationships between vampire x human relations were under the law since vampires had the DNA and ability to get both genders of the human race pregnant.

The only time they could have vampire x human breeding was if the vampire converts the human to a vampire, but that can only take place during mating on a full moon. the thing is, most humans don't survive the transition, which caused a huge problem for hospitals and morgues.

A crazy world we live in.

So it's my job as the leader of the most famous cheer team across the world to make sure that my cheerleaders follow the rules, which is DO NOT MINGLE WITH ANY OF THE FOOTBALLERS.

That's been the motto since sunoo began to cheer, and it will carry on as long as the law is in place.

As cheerleaders, it will always be hard for them to avoid the sexy vampires who wanted to mate every pretty human they saw, even harder to avoid any accidental pregnancy's.

Up to this day, sunoo still has that problem with avoiding the one footballer.

Park sunghoon, the one standing in front of him right now.

From sunoo's very first year on the team, sunghoon would not leave him alone, flirting with him all the time, following him around all the time, begging him for a date, his number, a chance, spoiling him with gifts and even giving the human his wallet.

And even after 5 years of constant rejection, sunghoon still finds a way to tease the cheerleader, to sunoo, sunghoon was his worst enemy, a parasite in the back of his head.


"Aww, c'mon babe, your friends wanna come, so can't you let them, just once~" sunghoon whined a little, sunoo's heart hammering in his chest when he heard the nickname, "yeah sunoo, pleeeeeease!" Jungwon latched onto the elders arm, sunoo huffed a little when everyone began whining, "pleeeeeeease" in annoying high pitched voices, giving him puppy eyes.

"FINE!" Sunoo caved, "everyone get your shit and let's go" sunoo have sunghoon one last glare before going to grab his bag.


Once sunoo and all the 70 cheerleaders where washed up and ready, they stepped out of the building to spot the football team of 36 waiting by two buses.

"Please, don't do anything stupid, and don't tell the chief director about this" sunoo turned around to the rest, "yes captain" they all said, with that they walked over to the four ballers.

It was dark outside, around 10pm, "so, how are all 106 of us going to eat at a barbecue? Better yet fit into these buses?" Sunoo asks sarcastically when they stopped in front of the footballers.

"Well sweetheart, we have two buses, one for you humans and the next for us~" Sunghoons friend, heeseung replied, sunoo nodded his head, not missing the way Sunghoons eyes darkened, his hand going to reach for sunoo but quickly returning to his side when he realised.

"Well, not all 71 of you will fit inside the second bus, so sunoo you should decide who is going to ride in our bus" jay said this time.

"I want to!" Jungwon's hand shot up, "me as well!" Jake said next, soon all the rest were easing their hands.

sunoo sighed, "enough! Me, jungwon, Jake, vicky, chaeyoung, jiwoo, yoona, wonyoung, ha-joon, beom, chul and jiwon will ride with the footballers and the rest of you will go on that bus" sunoo finalised.

All 11 of the names called cheered, following the vampire into the black bus, while the rest entered the second one, now it was only him and sunghoon to enter.

"Me and the boys reserved a whole barbecue shop to fit us all, so don't worry about gaining to much attention, I promise, I won't get you guys into trouble" sunghoon looked down at the younger with determined eyes, he knew that if this was to get out then the cheerleaders would get the shitty end of the stick.

"You better not~" sunoo smiled, "or I'll fucking kill you, yeah?"

Sunghoon gulped, "yeah, let's go then" he stepped aside so sunoo could get onto the bus first.

If only they knew that this this night wouldn't end up the way they both expected.

48 laws of power little girl with a big motor on a kid tho, mhmm~


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