Blonde (SUNKI) pt1

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'your hair...i hate it'

sunaa pov:
Sigh, im super nervous, first day on the job and i already feel like its my last, shit, maybe i shouldnt have quit at the bar...suck it.

with a fix of my hair i walked into the huge skyscraper building, as i walked to the front counter i got stares from people standing around in the open space.

...what the...?

i ignored the random stares i was getting and stopped in front of the man behind the front counter, when he saw me his smile dropped, his eye's fixed on my face?, hes looking at my hair.

whats the issue? is their something in my hair or something?

"ehem" i cleared my throat capturing his attention, he smile sheepishly, "o-oh sorry, name please" he stuttered, hm, maybe he was checking me out, i shrugged of as for the reason of the stares, yes, i know im pretty.

"kim sunaa" i gave my name, he hummed and typed it on his touch screen, a model i've never seen before, huh, i guess it's from the company then.

But then his eyes shot up and he let out a small gasp, "i-is something wrong?" my brows quivered in concern, "y-your Miss Nishimura's personal secretary?" he seemed overly stunned which just confused me more, since i've come in here everyone is just...weird.

"yes" i said rather irritatedly, this was erking me, the way everyone seemed scared for their live's.

"can i go to her office now?" i said informally by habit, but he didnt catch it, just nodding his head silently at me.

"ok..." i raised my brow and walked over to the huge elevator that had the sign of going up.

I know that my boss, Miss Nishimura's office is on the 200th floor, shit, this is gonna be a long elevator ride...

in about 3 long minuets i made it up to the very top floor, 200, it had one singular door down at the end of the hall, exactly opposite of the elevator, the walls were black with long mirrors stretching all the way on each side, the floor was black and shiny with one long black carpet going from me to the door.

I gulped a little at the dark scenery but still walked over the large doors with my head held high, i fixed my black pencil skirt (that was rather short)  and cropped buttoned blazer a little, checking that my hair that was kept in a neat bun by two chopsticks in the wall mirror was presentable and adjusted the black framed glasses on my face, damn, i lowkey look like a milf.

with a lick of the lips and a small clearing of my throat i knocked the door three times.




"...come in" i heard a deep female voice come from inside.

Walking in i was met with a window view of the city, the office was huge, their was a huge living like  area to the right, with a glass table surrounded by sleek black couch chairs, there were tall plants in corners and a huge circular rug right in the middle.

On the left i was met with a work desk and a leather chair that faced the tall walls of window, i could tell someone was in the chair because it was moving a little, "Miss Nishimura?" i called out softley, standing a few feet from her desk with my hands at my sides.

nerv was biting at me as the chair turned around towards me.

A female with super long legs stood up from the chair, she wore black dressing shoes, a long sleeve shirt that fitted her thin build, over that she wore a black corset made from the same material of her pants.

Her hair was long and black, slicked back out of her face, her glasses sat the edge of her sharp nose as she looked at me with...bored eyes?

"Your hair...i hate it"

"..."  i was chocked, i didnt know what to say, it was just so random...

"e-excuse me?"

"you heard what i said, your hairs blonde, i dont like that about you" she said, she wasnt even looking at me anymore, she was sat back down fixing paper on her desk.

"i-im sorry ma'am i dint know employes weren't aloud-"

"i dont care-" she cut me off.


"i dont care what hair my workers have, i just dont like blonde" she explained, i fought everything not to roll my eyes, so this is her own personal dislike?

"oh..well, do you have any work for me to do as your personal secretary" i redirected the conversation.

she smirked a little making my heart flutter, damn, thats hot, "well ill need you to take these papers to lap F959" she signaled to the stacked papers on her desk, i obediently took them up, "um, where is that lab?"

"figure it out, i want you back here in the next 10 minuets" she said, voice sly and cunning.

thats when the cat and mouse shit began.


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