Chapter 9

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I tugged at the hem of my dress. Eliza had warned me it was too short for a platonic friends outing to the movies, but I hadn’t listened - I hadn’t worn it in ages, and last I remembered the pretty, light blue pattern had made me look tanner and feel awesome! Despite still being the shortest person I knew, it seemed I had grown since summer. Thank goodness it was cold enough to wear tights underneath, otherwise I probably would have ended up forcing poor Toby to take me shopping for something more suitable before we even started our “date”. 

Speaking of Tobias, where was that pesky boy, anyway? It was at least ten minutes past the time he agreed to pick me up, and in order to avoid a my-mother-meets-him-at-the-door-and-inevitably-decides-that-this-is-a-date-date moment, I was freezing my butt off and waiting at the end of our driveway. Shivering, I pulled out my phone from my bag, grumbling under my breath about inconsiderate boys and ridiculously thin dresses. 

It took a few rings before he picked up, but eventually I got through. “Talia, I was just about to call you, where are you!?” Toby yelled. 

I pulled the phone away from my ear, blinked at it, then put it back. “Uh, where am I? I am at my house. Where you were supposed to pick me up. Fifteen minutes ago.” 

There was silence on the other end. Then he groaned. “Aw man, I’m sorry Tal. I just completely forgot, getting this whole thing organized has been stressful and I’m sorry, I was overwhelmed, and going on dates is hard, especially when it’s your best friend and it’s not even a date-date, because you have to make sure it looks like you’re making an effort and the best way to do that is to make an effort, but then you don’t want to look like a tosser making your friend go along with an elaborate date plan thing and it’s just rubbish and you’ll hate it, and-” 

I coughed, cutting Toby off just as he was getting into his stride. “Tobias. I understand that you are nervous. But honestly, it’s just a wee date to the movies! How elaborate could that possibly be? You know full well that that’s all I would want even if this was a real date.” 

Toby sighed, and judging by the silence, I guessed that he had nodded. “Right. Now come pick me up, I’m freezing out here!” 


“So, what are we seeing?” I asked, deciding not to take my coat off since it didn’t seem to be much warmer inside the movie theatre than outside. 

“I don’t know, what would you like?” asked Toby, tearing his eyes away from the ‘Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters’ movie poster, the Now Showing sign glowing in the semi-dark. 

“Well, since you asked…” I grinned, knowing that this was my one chance to force Toby into seeing something he knew he would hate. Glancing at the list of movies available today, my smile widened. “How about ‘Les Miserables’?” I asked. 

Toby shuddered. 

“Okay, no. Ooh, I’ve been wanting to see ‘Quartet’…” I said, trailing off in mock-hopefulness. 

Toby groaned. “Please, no old people.” 

I frowned as I scanned the list of movies once more. “Well then, I guess we have no choice.” 

Toby suddenly glanced down at me, with a look of deep suspicion. 

I grinned happily up at him, knowing that I had him trapped. By suggesting movies that I knew Toby would refuse to see, but which weren’t the worst possible ideas, I had him right where I wanted him. “I guess, since you don’t want to see all of my other choices, it’ll just have to be…” I let my voice trail off in suspense. 

Toby’s face contorted from realization to in pain. “Please don’t say it. Anything but that.” 

“… this week’s Chick Flick - ‘The Devil Wears Prada’!” 

Toby nearly had to be removed from the movie theatre, he shouted “Nooo!” so loudly. 

Apologies for lateness, I've just gotten back to school, and it's been kinda hectic! I am working on the next chapter though, and that should be up soon (: The plot's getting more interesting now, I hope, even though this story is only beginning. Thanks for any support (votes especially!) or constructive criticism! xx Tammy

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