Truths Told

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Gabriel guides Nathalie through the living room area of his home. The moment he sits her down, she collapses onto the sofa, falling asleep in no time. He watches her sleep, giving her dozy face a warm smile. Gabriel adjusts her properly and removes her black heels.

He then takes a seat, at the end of the sofa where her body rests, feeling exhausted as well. It's been a long night, yet he wouldn't have imagined for it to end with Nathalie sleeping on the sofa of the living room of his home.

As sleep begins to invade his eyes, Gabriel allows himself to relish in the fact that Nathalie is sleeping beside him once more. Hearing the sounds of her breathing so close to him are like a lullaby, giving him the freedom to close his eyes and fall asleep soundly.


The moment Nathalie's eyes open, a sensation of confusion and fear invades her. She moves around, trying to figure out where she is, and then she turns to look to her right, and sees Gabriel Agreste sitting at the end of the sofa, sleeping so peacefully.

"Oh my goodness, what did I do? I shouldn't be here."

She shifts around the sofa to then get up and put her shoes back on. The sudden movements cause Gabriel to wake up and see that Nathalie has awoken.

"You're awake," he says, touching her arm. "how are you feeling?"

Nathalie's body immediately stiffens at the sole fact that he's sitting so close to her and she can almost feel her heart stop beating as she feels the warmth of his hand.

"I feel fine, my head just hurts a little."

"Do you want some tea or something to help with the headache?" Gabriel asks in the softest most caring way he can.

She only shakes her head to his question. He would like to ask her about what he saw outside the restaurant. What exactly happened, that caused her to end up in such a situation. But he can see the uneasiness in her, so he decides to not mention anything at all.

"Gabriel", she finally says after a couple of silent minutes.

"Can I please borrow your phone to call my sister, she must be really worried." She asks in a near whisper while still looking away from him.

"Yes, of course", he says, handing her his cellphone.


When she hangs the call up with her sister, Nathalie knows she'll have a ton of explaining to do when she arrives home. But aside from that, Camille can sleep in peace for the remainder of the night. She now knows Nathalie is okay, and that's all that really matters at the moment.

"I know you said you didn't want anything, but I think you should at least drink this. It'll do you good." Gabriel says, placing the steaming teacup onto the coffee table.

She slowly takes the cup into her hands, blowing into it a few times before she takes a sip. After a few sips, she places the still hot teacup onto the table.

"Why were you there ... at the restaurant?" She finally asks him the question she's been wanting to ask, ever since her fogged up brain noticed him there.

The question catches him by surprise. The instant he decided to follow his impulse of driving up to that restaurant, he didn't think Nathalie would see him. He only went there in hopes of seeing her from far away having fun with her friends. Yet, he ended up witnessing something completely different.

"I don't know", he mumbles in a sheepish tone. "You told me you'd be there with your friends, and I suppose I wanted to see you. But I know that sounds sort of ... creepy, and I'm sorry for that."

What if All I Need Is You (Gabenath) Where stories live. Discover now