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Gabriel watches from his position on the sofa while Nathalie buttons up her blouse. He watches how her hands begin to tuck the blouse back into the black pants she is wearing. Her demeanor is serious and so obviously different from just moments ago. It's almost as if he weren't there, sitting right behind her.

Almost as if they hadn't just made love after such a long time. As if he hadn't just let his lips wander through her entire body, while their fingers entwined and he whispered how much he needed her.

"I should go. It's late, and-"

"Nathalie, wait", he utters, completely cutting her off.

"I don't want you to leave like this. We need to talk first." He says, walking towards her while he slips his shirt on.

"About what?" She asks.

"What do you mean about what? About what just happened, about us, about what I told you earlier."

He's absolutely confused with her behavior. He didn't expect for her to act so coldly after what just occurred. He needs to talk to her, he doesn't want her thinking he only wants a sexual relationship with her. Although, he isn't even sure what she thinks now. Her cold and distant behavior is something he didn't expect, and now it's driving him crazy.

She takes a deep breath, giving him a tired look, yet her eyes seem to carry a light sparkle. The blueness in her eyes appears to stand out more for some unexplained reason.

"Listen, Gabriel, I think we've both established that we're mutually attracted to one another. But that doesn't mean we can jump into some type of relationship for that sole reason."

"It's not just attraction, Nathalie. I feel something for you, I care for you", he tells her in a soft tone.

"Mm-hmm, and I do too", she responds. "But you need to solve your issues first. I can't be with you if you still want your wife back."

Her words strike him with such force, she's right. He can't start anything with her when he is still Shadowmoth. And despite the fact that he has only sent out a handful of akumas in the past months, he's technically still the villain of Paris.

Gabriel only sent those akumas out in times where he felt he was losing control of himself. He probably should tell her that each time he did send out an akuma, it was she who was roaming his head, and not his dead wife.

"You're right, and I'm sorry for not portraying myself as someone who genuinely cares for you. I see why you may think I'm not serious about this, when I'm still the villain who terrorizes Paris."

She gives him a soft smile, and slowly approaches him until she's able to press a delicate kiss onto his lips.

"I can wait, but I can't promise I'll wait forever. Because your indecisiveness will only confirm to me that you still want your wife back, and I can't be with you like that ... even if I do have feelings for you."

She whispers that part, too afraid to tell him what her heart has actually begun to feel for him.

"I have to go now." She gives his lips one last kiss, and finally exits the office.

And Gabriel Agreste is left alone, wishing he had the courage to call her back and tell the woman he so dearly needs, what his heart has truly begun to feel for her.


After a warm shower, Nathalie sits on her bed, staring blankly at the wall in front of her. Gabriel's words echo in her brain over and over again.

They were so consumed with desire for one another, that she wasn't able to process his words properly when he first spoke them. However, now that she's able to think everything thoroughly, she recalls how Gabriel told her he had feelings for her. He even said he cares for her, and those words bring a sweet sensation of joy to the pit of her stomach, but also a deep sensation of confusion and fear.

What if All I Need Is You (Gabenath) Where stories live. Discover now