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At the top of the long marble staircase, stands Gabriel Agreste. His eyes scan the foyer below him as he searches for her. He was sure he heard her voice before he stepped onto the staircase, but it appears she isn't there anymore.

He begins to descend the long staircase, and as his feet hit each step, a steady clicking sound echoes through the overly quiet mansion.

Upon entering the kitchen, Gabriel finds a round chocolate cake, resting on the middle of the kitchen island. A piece has already been cut out from the cake, and just as he's about to dip his finger to collect some of the frosting from the side, a voice behind him startles him.

"Adrien brought it", he hears her say with her mouth full.

"Nathalie", Gabriel utters in a breathy voice from the recent scare.

She giggles when she sees the startled look on his face while she digs the fork into the plate that rests in between her left hand.

"There you are my dear. I was looking for you." He says as he begins to approach her.

Nathalie stands with her lower back leaning against the small breakfast table located inside the kitchen. On top of her plate, a generous portion of chocolate cake is served.

"Chocolate cake ... so early in the morning." Gabriel tells her while looking down at her dish as he is now standing in front of her.

"It's Adrien's fault", Nathalie utters in response. Her fork scoops up even more of the frosting from the plate. "He said Marinette gave it to him. I think they went to Bercy park for a school project."

"They did. Adrien told me about it last night."

Nathalie moves the fork close to Gabriel's mouth, offering him a bite of the cake. He gives her a warm smile before opening his mouth.

The sweet and earthy taste of the fresh chocolate invades his mouth, and as his teeth bite into the soft fluffy bread, he realizes the cake is filled with strawberries. It's delicious indeed.

"Mmm, it's really good."

"Mm-hmm", Nathalie nods.

She finally sets the nearly empty dish onto the table behind her, and Gabriel takes the opportunity to wrap his arms around her waist. He can feel the soft silky fabric of her blue robe, the color undoubtedly matching her sparkly eyes.

He leans in to press a delicate kiss onto her lips, and his mind immediately drifts to their conversation from last night.

Gabriel wants her here always. Not just sometimes, not just on the weekends, but every single day.

One year together...

It has gone by incredibly fast, but at the same time, gone by incredibly slow. A year full of love and absolute happiness. Gabriel and Nathalie are definitely living their honeymoon phase, and it's more than they could've asked for.

They simply love each other so very much.


"Have you thought about what I told you last night?" Gabriel asks her.

Nathalie simply nods her head to his question. Her hands rest on his shoulders, and her fingernails move in a soft circular motion against his back, filling Gabriel's body with goosebumps.

"And, have you decided on anything yet?" Gabriel asks in a soft tone. He doesn't want to seem too insistent.

Her chest heaves as she takes a deep breath. She's quiet for a few seconds before she answers his question.

Of course Nathalie would love to come live with him. However, it's an extremely huge and important step to take. Gabriel asking her that has allowed Nathalie to see he's ready to move their relationship to the next level.

Yet, she can't say she isn't nervous. Everything has been so perfect during the past year. Their time together is marked with lots of love, laughs, and cherished moments.

Nathalie is afraid to ruin the perfection of their relationship if she decides to move in with him.

"Are you sure you want me to move in?" She finally asks.

"Of course, my love. Don't you want to live with me, Nathalie?" Gabriel asks her with the slightest sign of fear in his voice.

"I do, I really do." Nathalie quickly replies. "I'm just scared, that's all."

"Scared of what?"

"Scared that we lose all this. I don't want this to ever end." She tells him as she presses a sudden and almost rough kiss onto his lips, and she then hugs him so tightly. As if she is afraid he will disappear at that exact moment.

"Oh my Nathalie." He mumbles into her hair, his hands stroking her back in a comforting manner.

"This will never end, I promise. This is why I want you here always, so we can spend every single day together ... forever." He whispers.

She brings her face back up to meet his loving gray eyes, and they both lean in at the same time as their noses touch and they breathe in each other's mesmerizing scent. Their lips finally meet in a passionate, yet sweet kiss.

When their lips part, Gabriel grabs her face into his hands, his palms covering her warm pink cheeks.

"You don't have to give me an answer now. You don't even have to accept my offer, the most important thing for me is that you're comfortable."

Nathalie feels a sensation of relief with his words as she realizes how perfect he is. Her own heart is not able to comprehend how much she loves him, and now she's sure that now matter what her decision is, they'll always be in love.


Later that evening, Nathalie sits in the garden of the home with a book resting in between her hands. Except, her mind isn't able to concentrate on the reading.

She thinks about Gabriel's proposition over and over again. He's right when he tells her that she's at his home most of the time anyway. And maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea if she moved in.

Nathalie leaves the book on the table before her and she slowly walks towards the edge of the pool. She slips her sandals off, and dips her feet into the crystal clean blue water. The water feels so fresh and so cool against her legs.

Footsteps coming from behind her have Nathalie turn around to find Gabriel approaching the pool.

"Enjoying the pool water Miss Sancoeur?"

"I am, thank you very much", she tells him.

Gabriel takes a seat next to her, and upon Nathalie's insistence, he removes his own shoes and rolls up his pants to dip his feet into the water as well.

Sitting so close together, Gabriel wraps his arm around her body, letting Nathalie rest her head against his chest. She can hear the beating of his heart along with the chirping of the evening birds.

A silky burst of yellow and red dominates the evening sky, indicating the sunset has begun. Their eyes get lost in the sunset before them, and Nathalie soon realizes she should accept Gabriel's offer because at the end of the day, there is nothing better than this. Nothing better than spending time with the man she's so deeply in love with, and this simply is the beginning of the rest of their lives.

"What if all I need is you?" The question enters their brain at the same time without either of them being aware of it.

"Yes, all I need is you." They both answer in silence as they turn to look at one another.

Then their lips meet in an adoring kiss.


The end!

Gabriel and Nathalie have found their happiness.

Thank you so much to every single person who followed this story and gave it kudos. It truly means a lot.

See you all soon my friends 💕

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