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Nathalie squeezes her eyes in discomfort as she feels a bright light shining directly onto her face. Her body is slouched against a wall, and the moment she attempts to stand up, panic fills her chest, realizing she is unable to move her hands and feet.

"Careful", she hears a voice say.

Her vision is blurry, and she soon grasps the fact she isn't wearing her glasses.

"I'm glad you're finally awake."

"Arthur?" Nathalie asks in absolute confusion. Her mouth is so dry, and her head is thumping in pain.

The man takes a seat on the leather couch across from her. He is holding a glass of what appears to be white wine. He takes a sip while he stares at her in amusement.

"How are you feeling, darling? Do you want something to drink?"

The incident at the parking lot, slowly makes its way through her fogged up brain. She recalls how Arthur questioned her about Gabriel, and how he forced himself upon her when she tried to enter her car.

"Why did you bring me here?" Nathalie eventually asks as clarity enters her brain once again.

Arthur only gives a creepy smile in response.

"Why are you doing this?! Let me go now!"

She attempts to undo the rope around her wrists, but only feels them become tighter as they press against her skin with force.

"You see, I don't think that will be possible, my dear Nathalie." He mumbles, walking around her at a slow and torturous pace.

"I brought you here, because I have made a few decisions about our life. I don't think you've realized it yet, but you and I belong together."

His eyes are dark and his voice is flat, as if he had no emotions. Nathalie can almost see how insane he actually is while she looks up at him with her entire body trembling in fear. He's speaking absolute nonsense, and she's almost sure he's lost his mind.

"I have a press conference in two days for a project I'm doing, and during this conference, I will present you as my fiancé. How does that sound?"

"Have you gone insane?" She asks in horror.

"Of course, not. I'm serious." He responds. "We can have a life together, and I can give you whatever you want. You'll be my princess and I'll be your prince, and I'll give you a true fairy tale life."

He's truly delusional, there's definitely something wrong with him. How can he say such things and believe it's perfectly normal?

Arthur sees the look on her face and immediately notices how horrified she is with the idea. He leans down to attempt to cradle her face, but Nathalie moves away, not allowing his hands to touch her.

"Listen, Nathalie, I know you're scared, but I promise you that you don't have to be afraid. I'll make you feel loved, and give you everything you want."

"What I want is for you to let me go", she tells him.

Arthur shakes his head, "I'm sorry my love, but I can't do that."


Silence fills the room for just a moment, but a loud squeal of excitement from Arthur startles her, and she watches as he retrieves a small white box from his pocket.

"What I can do is give you this." He opens the box, revealing a silver diamond engagement ring.

"Do you like it?" He asks with great pride. "I obviously chose it myself, but if you want something more exotic or expensive, I can definitely do that."

What if All I Need Is You (Gabenath) Where stories live. Discover now