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hi guys!! i wanted to start off by thanking you guys for over 45K reads?!!? that is actually unbelievable and frankly, quite scary😭 thank you guys for all your support on this book, it really means a lot, especially because i haven't updated it in over four years omg.

i first wrote this book when i was like 14 years old, hence my absolutely atrocious writing, so please keep that in mind as you read this! i wrote this purely for fun during lockdown!!

with that being said, unfortunately, i will not be updating this book any further. i feel that i have moved on from this book and writing imagines to writing actual stories. since i wrote this so long ago, i don't feel attached to this book either, so i don't feel any reason to keep updating it😟 (plus the writing is just so bad, i feel that if i continue this book, i would have to edit all of that, which is just so time consuming lol)

if you are looking for a new story to read, i have really good recommendations in my reading lists on my profile, if you want to check those out. they are genuinely amazing books that deserve all the support!! i just began writing a new sirius black fic as well, if you are interested in reading. it's called "sois libre" and i promise my writing has gotten much better haha.

thank you to all the people who have supported this book so kindly. i literally love still seeing people comment and vote on this book. i have received so many sweet messages over my wattpad dms about this book and i still receive update requests all the time, which is genuinely so so kind. 

i love you all and thank you again :)))

p <3

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