animagus - tom riddle

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You were in your 4th year when you became an illegal animagus. There was no reason. It was out of mere curiosity and boredom. You knew it would take a lot of effort to become one and indeed, it was extremely complex. Especially holding the mandrake leaf in your mouth for the entire month. You hated that.

Your efforts had come to an admirable result when you had succeeded. You were nervous but when you shifted into it, you closed your eyes and hoped for the best. When you opened them, you were flying. You looked at yourself to see a beautiful dove.

After it had been done, for many months you had used it as a getaway. You got bored easily and your friends were pretty boring as well. Seeing as you were all in Ravenclaw, half your friends would only care about studying. The other half was just irritating and you never really found someone you clicked with. You studied when you needed it but you didn't worry too much. Whenever you had free time, you would switch to your animagus form and soar through the air, above Hogwarts, the Forbidden Forest, and your favorite, the Black Lake.

You felt an inexplainable freedom from the same old routine lives back on the ground.

In your fifth year however, it all changed when Myrtle Warren, a fellow Ravenclaw, had died. Hogwarts life had changed and as sad as it was, you felt a change in the continuous rhythm of things. It changed even more when you were flying one day.

You were soaring above the Forbidden Forest when you heard some noises from below. You saw a bonfire in a little clearing between the mass of trees where around 6 people were standing. Naturally, your curiosity allowed you to dive below and perch on a tree, watching the schoolboys who you identified as Malfoy, Mulciber, Rosier, Lestrange, Avery, Nott, and Tom Riddle.

It looked like some kind of cult of the sort.

Tom Riddle looked like the leader of the group. He was leaning against a tree, his black hair was slightly disheveled, yet flawless in a way. He had a serious look on his face but it was alluring and his wand was twisting in his fingers, flexibly. Tom Riddle was very attractive, you wouldn't lie, but something seemed off about him. He seemed too perfect and he had a way with his words that didn't strike well with you. What you were seeing right now just added on to your suspicion.

"Hello, my lord-" Malfoy started.

My lord?

"-what have you called us here for?"

You watched as Tom had a slight smirk on his face as he got off the tree and made his way to the others. "I have a couple of things I would like to address," He said. "First, I have fashioned myself a new name, a rather clever one, in my opinion."

"What is it, my lord?"

"Lord Voldemort,"

A shiver took over you as he said it. It sounded awfully scary and your heart beat raced.

"You see, it's an anagram," Tom continued. He used his wand to spell out his full name. Tom Marvolo Riddle. He then rearranged it and it now it said 'I am Lord Voldemort'.

"It took a bit of genius on my part to figure it out. One day, witches and wizards will fear Lord Voldemort. They will fear me." he gave out a sort of snarky laugh. "Not one stands a chance,"

You saw as the others' faces turned white and Avery and Nott's hands were shaking with a fear that was inexplainable. You thought that they were all friends. They always hung out with each other and Tom acted like their friend too. Now that you saw him, you could see how different he was from them. They were all stuck-up, wealthy Slytherins and they were terrible, no doubt. They terrorized their peers. But Tom, Tom was much worse, you could see now.

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