strong - neville longbottom

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warning! torture, pain, etc.

"Stupefy! Expelliarmus!" you shouted. As a result of your spell, Dean flew back and hit the floor and Seamus' wand was forcefully disarmed from him and they looked at you in distaste.

"Well done, Y/N!" Harry smiled, patting your shoulder. You grinned at him. You then looked towards your two friends who were rolling their eyes and muttering curses at you.

Not the spell-kind.

You laughed at them as you pulled Dean up off the ground and handed Seamus his wand back.

"Oi, this isn't funny," Seamus grumbled.

"It kind of is," you giggled.

You were teasing them as you grabbed your things to leave the Room of Requirement. You were about to go but then you saw someone still in the room.


He was looking somberly at the wall and you immediately put your things down to go over to him and see what was wrong.

You and Neville were amazingly close. Seamus and Dean were close to you both as well, but you and Neville had a connection that you didn't have with the other two boys. You'd been friends with them since the first year and overtime, you become closer to Neville and even developed strong feelings for him.

Whenever you were with him, it was so calming. You could talk about anything and everything and it was oddly relieving. When you didn't want to talk about something, he'd give you space and rant on and on about some new plant he'd discovered, which always cheered you up. You didn't like herbology at all but seeing Neville's face light up when talking about it, made you feel giddy inside.

Now it was your turn to cheer him up.

"Neville, what's wrong?" you gently asked, staring up at him.

He didn't answer for a bit and you let him, not wanting to push.

"It- it's my parents," he sighed.

"What about them, Neville?" you knew this was a hard topic for him. You didn't know what happened to his parents but you never asked because of how pained he looked whenever he talked about them. You hesitated before softly touching his hand for reassurance. He tensed slightly at your touch.

"That's them," he said, pointing at them in the Order of the Phoenix picture that was on the wall.

"Did-did something happen to them?"

"They didn't die if that's what you're thinking," he looked to his feet. "I wish they did. They were tortured into insanity and they've been in St. Mungo's for almost 14 years now. I don't even remember them except in a hospital bed. They don't even know who I am,"

Your heart broke for him and you couldn't believe how strong he was. He didn't cry but his sorrowful voice was even worse, somehow.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know,"

"It's alright. They were tortured. By Bellatrix Lestrange,"

"The one who broke out of Azkaban last week?"

"Yeah, that's her," he laughed bitterly. "I would do anything to be able to get back at her but I'm just not strong enough,"

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