interrupted - sirius black

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You silently walked into an empty classroom where Sirius was waiting for you. He was sitting at one of the desks with Herbology books scattered across them. You grinned as you ran up to him. You couldn't be anywhere out together because of your demon brother who just so happened to be your boyfriend's best friend.

"How was your day, love?" Sirius asked, wrapping you in a hug. You gave out a laugh as you wrapped your arms around his chest.

"It was pretty good. How about you?"

"Not terrible but it could've been better," he kissed your forehead. "Although, now you're here so I'm okay."

You cringe as you hit his chest, laughing. "You're so cheesy, my gosh."

Suddenly, the door burst open and you jumped away from your boyfriend. It was the devil himself.

"James, what are you doing here?" you asked, hesitantly.

"I was wondering where you two were," James surveyed both of you. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was just helping Sirius in Herbology. Professor Sprout told me to tutor him, since he's doing so bad."

"Ohhh, that makes sense. Anyways, I'm sure he's fine now. Come, Padfoot, I was thinking of putting pink dye in Snivellus' shampoo!"

Sirius gave him a forced laugh and followed behind him, giving you an apologetic look as he left. You rolled your eyes, starting to clean up his materials. James always ruined everything. You huffed in annoyance as you exited the classroom.

The next day, you and Sirius went to a different classroom, to avoid James coming again. You locked the door and you tried putting some enchantments on it but there wasn't any that worked on school grounds, to your dismay.

"I missed you," Sirius said, pouting.

"You saw me about three hours ago." you rolled your eyes, kissing his cheek.

"That was such a long time ago," he lifted you up and spun you once. You couldn't help but feel like the happiest girl ever. He made you so happy, it hurt.

"You're such an idiot," you giggled.

"An idiot for you," he said, leaning in to kiss you.

No matter how many times you kissed him, it always felt so new. You grinned happily. Your arms were around his neck, your right hand playing with his curls. It was so passionate and for a moment, you forgot about the world around you. You came to your senses when the door suddenly unlocked and James came in.

"What. The. Bloody. Hell."

"Shit." you and Sirius cursed, moving away from each other.

"James, I-" Sirius started.

"I bloody knew it!" James threw his head back in laughter. You and Sirius shared a look. "Oh my, Remus owes me 15 galleons!"

"Are you not angry?" you asked.

"Of course not! I've noticed the way you look at each other. It's quite relieving to know that my sister's dating my best friend and won't be with some brainless moron."

You were shocked to say the least. You were sure Sirius was too.

"Although, I do ask that you don't snog in front of me or the others. Quite revolting, if you ask me." James said. "Well, I'll leave you to it."

James left and your jaw dropped low. "There's no way that just happened."

"Well it's better for us." Sirius smirked. "So...what were we doing before we were interrupted? I forgot but I think you could remind me."

You leaned in to him, kissing him with a fiery passion, without a worry of being interrupted.

i uploaded this a long time ago but for some reason it didn't work?? i'm going to start updating more of even though im soo lazy ahah. anyways, ily all! <3

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