rivals - oliver wood

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so in this one, youre gonna be in any house except gryffindor, ty

You hated Oliver Wood.

There were very few people who you actually hated and you always treated people with kindness but you made an exception when it came to Oliver. He was so infuriating and dislikable that it drove you insane. You two just didn't click and everyone at Hogwarts knew that.

The fact that you were captains of rivaling Quidditch teams was the reason for the friction between the both of you. It was always quick remarks and smart retorts between you both. One of you would say something snarky and the other would respond with something snarky. It'd always been like that. Ever since you both became captains of your house Quidditch teams.

Everyone in Hogwarts knew how frightening the matches were between your teams. It was so fast and definitely tense. It wasn't necessarily violent but it was rough play. Although that was why everyone loved them so much.

Now, it was weeks before the final Quidditch match and people were already placing their bets. It was so competitive between houses and even more so between you and Oliver.

"Have you heard about all the bets placed before the final match?" Oliver asked you. The two of you were in History of Magic and unfortunately, you were forced to sit next to him. Though, you'd be lying if you said you didn't enjoy it a little.

"Of course I have. People are wagering so much." you replied, smirking. "I think it's obvious which side is going to lose their money,"

"I hope you don't mean us because we won't lose this year, L/n,"

"And how are you so sure?"

"I just know we will" Oliver smirked.

"That's cute." you pouted, mockingly.

"We've been doing really good at practices,"

"Well, I'd have to see for myself,"

"Just wait till the final match, Y/n,"

"I know, I can't wait to see you lose for the third year in a row. The anticipation is killing me,"

He narrowed his eyes at you and you did the same. You stared at each other for a couple of seconds when you suddenly realized what was happening. You coughed and blushed as you turned away, looking back at Professor Binns.

"You're blushing," Oliver whispered in your ear.

"So are you." you raised an eyebrow, daring another look at him.

"Always quick with the retorts, aren't you?"



"Faster, Rivers, faster! Pass it to me now!" you yelled at your team member who was holding the Quaffle. He flew faster and passed it to you, listening to your directions. You dodged a bludger and maneuvered using a sly technique, confusing your Keeper, letting the shot pass smoothly into the middle ring. You blew your whistle and flew to the ground after the practice game.

"Connie! How much time did this one take?" you asked.

"4 minutes and 43 seconds!" Connie, your friend, replied happily.

"YES!!" your team cheered. It was the fastest practice game you had ever had. At this rate, you were sure to beat the Gryffindor team. You were hugging Connie when you realized someone was sitting in the stands. You narrowed your eyes as you got on your broom and flew over to him.

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