snogging - fred weasley

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You made your way down the stairs of the girls' Gryffindor dormitory because you couldn't sleep. When you got to the bottom, you saw your boyfriend, Fred, sitting in the common room. You smiled and sat down beside him.

"Can't sleep either?" he asked.

"Yeah," you sighed. You leaned your head on his shoulder.

"So are you ready for the Quidditch match tomorrow?"


You took your head off his shoulder and looked at him in the eye. You smiled slightly looking at his messed up hair. You reached out your hand and smoothed it over. Right after, he shook his head to mess it up again. You smiled and smoothed it again, only to have him ruffle it again. You laughed as you leaned in to kiss him.

He responded, pulling you on his lap. You smiled into it and pulled away, resting your forehead on his.  He pouted and kissed you again, not letting you break away. You adjusted yourself so that you were straddling him. He suddenly pulled away.

"I think we should go somewhere else," Fred said, grinning.

"Where to?" you asked.

He took your hand and you both left the common room. You roamed the hallways a bit, stealing kisses now and then, until you reached an empty classroom. As soon as you got in, he pressed his lips to yours, wrapping his arms around your waist. You put your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately, only breaking away to take short breaths. The kiss got more heated when Fred tried slipping his tongue in but you wouldn't let him.

Suddenly, you heard a voice outside of the classroom. You broke away from Fred and you both widened your eyes as you tried to hear what it was.

"You smell something, Mrs. Norris? Students out of bed, perhaps?" you heard the snarling voice of Filch. You looked at Fred for ideas since he was used to this. He bit his lip in thought as his eyes trailed to a broom in the corner of the classroom. He rushed to get it and urged you to go on the other side of the doorframe. Filch stood outside the door and peered on both sides.

"Anyone there?" he asked grinning nastily.

He came in the classroom only for Fred to take the broom and hit him in the back to make him stumble forward. You widened your eyes at Fred, sure you would get in trouble. Fred grabbed your hand and you both ran.

"WEASLEY!" Filch yelled, running after you both.

You and Fred laughed as you bolted, outrunning Filch. Fred looked to the right and pulled you into a doorway. It was dark and cramped and your back was pressed to the wall. You heard Filch running and you prayed he wouldn't find you both.

Once he was out of the vicinity, you laughed into Fred's chest. He turned on the lights with his wand and you realized you were in a broom closet.

"Out of all the places in this huge castle, you chose for us to come into a broom closet?" you whispered, lightly hitting him on the arm.

"I think it's pretty romantic, don't you think?" he cheekily smiled. He pressed his left arm on the wall behind you he leaned in to kiss you.

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